Jared: Uhhhhhhhh Probably any Queen song, i love all their music so i cant really pick one :>

Rebecca: Liquid smooth by Miski, it speaks to me in a way no other music could ever.

{Name}: I'd have to say Butch 4 Butch by Rio Romeo, its just *chefs kiss*

Wilbur: My music UvU

Me: I really like (right now) Coffee stained smile by Delaney Bailey or Art is dead by Bo burnham, sick little comfort songs B)

Calleyprincess100 asked:

"What inspired you to write this?"

"How do you keep motivated?"

"Why do you use {Name} insted of y/n?

Well, it was more like i was on a craze of reading simpbur storys and the bestfriend option poped into my head bc no one else had done it. I wanted to make a simpbur story i saw fit with new plot and stuff, that wasnt just "Jareds a dick, WIlburs coo coo crazy for a stranger, and Jared dies <3". I guess you can say all the simbur books iver read, but i just like to say I inspired myself bc i barley write after chapter 8 for books LMAO

2) Honestly comments and votes! It makes me feel like im writing for a reason which makes me feel nice!  I write a bunch but usually leave storys so when im reminded that people actually read this book it helps :) and a little tip whe your starting off a book is post 3-7 chapter first so people click on it bc personally i dont click on the book with only 1 chapter lmao

Well at first i went with y/n , which in the first three chapters there are some typos of y/n which im to lazy to change LMAO  But  at the same time y/n has such a weird rep and some of the y/ns are extreamly annoying sooo how about create a new y/n? Which i call.. {Name}!!  It makes it so it could be a random person, yourself, or your own oc! Makes it so you can insert any name. ANd ive just kinda come to love how i use it, y/n looks kinda boring to and {Name} looks fancy B)


imreadingthisat3 asked:

"Are you a simp?"





moving on,


"Whats Wilburs feelings toward Name?"

Well, its quite obsessive, and quite big, and gets in the way of  literally anything and everything. In truth he wouldnt kidnap her, and i dont intend to write the kidnapped arc like in most yandere books, although that dosnt make his love any diffrent. He just wants {Name} to love him and only him, he dosnt mind her having friends, he dosnt mind people seeing her, it makes him quite happy when he gets to show her off to people. But if one of her friends liked her, yeah probably wouldnt go the best. Wilbur truly just wants to have a healthy, loving realationship with {Name} but dosnt know how to express it. He just wants to be loved by her, because she has done so much for him and he wants to feel loved by the one person who stuck by his side through and through. If he ever got her love, to him it would be a promise never to leave, never change, and never feel something towards someone else, a promise of herself to him, and her loyalty.


@ someone asked:
"Whats {Names} feelings towards Wilbur?

Mmmmmmm cant say in detail bc spoilers but right now all the chapter before this she feels, something indescirabable. Something that dosnt have a word to describe it. Such a strong devotion, such a strong loving feeling towards him, but platonic. Like a platonic honeymoon faze that wont ever fizzle out.


@ someone asked:
"Whats jareds feelings towards {Name}?"

Love. Strong, pure, devoted, soulmate love. He truly right now cant imagen his life without the girl. All he ever wanted was her, and now he has it. He's just happy with it, and wants it to stay the same.


@ someone asked:
"Whats Rebeca's feelings towards {Name}?"

Only a faint poke of romantic, nothing to developed. A intrest, a hope, a spark. Like the sparks from flint and steal, trying to light a fire.


@ someone asked:
"How are you planning to develope the script?"

Ive already thought about how i want this to end, and i dont think mulible endings in the plan in mind.(probably not but there still is a chance) Ive always hoped for a happy ending, but rarly see one im happy with so i intend to make an ending that finally makes me smile. Where the main character finally, actually gets a peacful rest. And not just the main character, everyone finally gets to rest, gets to have a happy ending. I know, yandere books are suposed to have creepy, chilling to the bone endings but ive fallen in love with the ending idea and cant let it go. SO, expect tears, you'll hopefully need a tissue ;)


@ someone asked:
"Personaly, who are you rooting for?"

God im not sure myself, lmao. Im still conflicted to add another romantic intrest after Jared moves and make a multible choice ending with them, BUT I JUST CANT DESIDE AGAGG. I cant say anything specific because something magcial called spoilers, but im indesisive at the moment. {Name} will find whoever her heart wants to love in the end.


@ someone asked:
"If you do choose mulible choice endings, hwo will you upload them? What would be your scedual?

Well, my chapters i usually point 2 or 3 at a time, but for the endings id write them all and post it all at once. Id write the last choice chapter, then write all the endings, and them post them all. Probably most of the endings will have more than one chapter to go with them, mainly because the ending choice is just to determine who {Name} ends up with, there will still be plot to develope realationships and make them mean something.


@ someone asked:
"Whats my best way to suport your writing?"

I love everytime i see someone make a funny comment or vote for any chapter, it makes me realize people care about this book! I really want to write not just for myself but you my readers! If you wanna make a funny joke or meme about this book, fanart, just something you thought related to it just comment it in a chapter with your @ and the app you posted it on, ill see it! Honestly even if your making fun of my characters, simping over Rebeca, or just really liked a piece of my writing tell me please! Make a comment that says "wow this is rlly cool!" and ill try to incorporat more of that stuff into this book!


@ someone asked:
"Fav color?"

Yellow, teal, and green<3


@ someone asked:

"Could wilbur give me a hug? Ive had a bad day :("

Wilbur: Ofc! C'mere! all of you reading this message! I love each and everyone of you! *squish* Muah! kiss on the head for the amazing person who is getting through life. You matter to me, and i wanna see you smile. I wanna see you laugh and be happy, so please, smile for me? :)


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