Anakin weakly nodded in disappointment, Carina stood up from the chair, "It's all going to be okay."

Carina watched the ramp lower, the awaiting Chancellor and Senator coming into view. Anakin gazed at all the people on the platform and shuffled closer to Carina's side.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon began to descend down the ramp, Carina moved right behind them with Jar Jar and Anakin by her side.

Senator Palpatine gazed between Carina and Anakin before turning his attention to Queen Amidala, who had stepped off the ship.

"It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty. With the communications breakdown, we've become very concerned. I'm anxious to hear your report on the situation. May I present Supreme Chancellor Valorum." The senator gestured to the male standing beside him.

The Chancellor smiled, "Welcome, Your Highness. It's an honor to finally meet you in person."

"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor."

Chancellor Valorum clasped his hands together before speaking, "I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the currant situation. I've called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position."

Queen Amidala held her voided expression, "I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor."

Palpatine began to lead the Queen and her retinue off the platform towards an awaiting air taxi.

Carina moved to follow them with Jar Jar and Anakin still following. The blonde boy couldn't help his bewildered expression upon seeing the city.

Qui-Gon watched the two children leave his sight before pursing his lips in concern.

Qui-Gon stood tall with Obi-Wan lingering behind him as the Jedi Master stood before the council.

"He was trained in the Jedi arts. My only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord." Qui-Gon informed the others.

Ki-Adi furrowed his brows before speaking, "Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millenium."

Mace Windu nodded, "I do not believe the Sith could have returned without us knowing."

Master Yoda hummed, "Ah, hard to see, the dark side is." Windu leaned back in his seat in thought, "We will use all our resources here to unravel this mystery and discover the identity of your attacker... May the Force be with you."

Obi-Wan turned to leave but Qui-Gon did not move. Master Yoda studied the Jedi, "Master Qui-Gon more to say have you?"

"With your permission, my Master. I have encountered another vergence in the Force."

Mace Windu straightened up in his seat, "Another like Carina?"

Qui-Gon nodded, "A young boy. The exact same midi-chlorian count resides in him as in Carina. Both have no father involved, they were conceived by the midi-chlorians."

Windu narrowed his eyes, "You're referring to the prophesy of the one who will bring balance to the Force, but you forget, there are two prophesied chosen ones but only one will succeed. The other is fated to fall. Do you know what this means?"

Qui-Gon pursed his lips, "That can be up to interpretation."

Mace shook his head, "If you are right and you have found the two chosen ones, one of them will not succeed."

"That does not mean they will fall to the dark side." Qui-Gon pressed.

"That is not a risk we should take, Qui-Gon."

Yoda looked deep in thought, considering what Qui-Gon was suggesting before speaking, "Trained as a Jedi, you request for him?"

The Jedi Master clasped his hands together, "Finding him was the will of the Force... I have no doubt of that."

That left the council in silence for a moment, Yoda gave Mace Windu a look. The Jedi pursed his lips before looking back at Qui-Gon, "Bring him before us, then."

Carina tossed a ball up in the air before extending out her hand to catch it using the Force. She did that again as she played catch with herself.

Anakin walked into the lounge and watched Carina use her powers. His lips parted in amazement, "That's so cool. Will I ever get to do that?"

Carina stopped her movement as she turned to meet young Skywalker's gaze, "When you are trained, yes. You will be able to use the Force. What brings you here, Ani?"

The boy fumbled with his hands, "I'm on my way to the Jedi temple to start my training, I hope."

Carina gave him a small smile, "That's great. I'm sure everything will go just fine."

Anakin shrugged, "I just wish we could train together." Carina tossed the ball in her hand before taking a few steps towards the boy, "You'll be okay, Ani. I'll still be around."

"Thank you for everything."

Carina chuckled softly, "It will always be my pleasure. Now, I believe you have the council awaiting you."

Not even an hour passed and Carina was stepping foot onto the platform once again, she narrowed her eyes at seeing Anakin gazing at the ground while Obi-Wan spoke to Qui-Gon.

"It is not disrespect, Master, it is the truth."

The Jedi Master pressed his lips into a firm line, "From your point of view."

"The boy is dangerous... they all sense it. Why can't you?" Obi-Wan attempted to make his mentor understand but Qui-Gon shook his head, "You did not say the same of Carina when she told to be dangerous. His fate is uncertain, he's not dangerous. The Council will decide Anakin's future... that should be enough for you. Now get on board."

Carina walked up to Qui-Gon and Anakin just as Obi-Wan stepped onto the ship, "What happened?"

Anakin chewed the inside of his lip, "Master Qui-Gon, sir, I don't want to be a problem."

Qui-Gon smiled at the boy, "You won't be, Ani... I'm not allowed to train you, so I want you to watch me and be mindful."

Carina crossed her arms over her chest, "I can show you some combat moves too if you'd like."

Anakin eagerly nodded. Qui-Gon chuckled as the two young children ran into the ship, his smile slowly fell off his face as they disappeared from his line of sight.

The Jedi Master turned to see Queen Amidala and her handmaidens pull up with Jar Jar and the two droids closely behind.

"Your Majesty, it is our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you."

The Queen nodded, "I welcome your help. Senator Palpatine fears the Federation means to destroy me."

"I assure you, I will not let that happen."

Queen Amidala moved past him, up the ramp into the ship as Jar Jar threw his hands up in excitement, "Wesa goen home!"


this chapter is a bit short bc i want to leave the whole naboo fight in its own chapter but i also wanted to say thank you for 2k reads !! i hope you guys are enjoying the story xx


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