Chapter 11

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Mj's POV:
It had been a couple weeks since I heard Peter say he loved me. And yes technically I was asleep when he said it but I was a little awake as well. I haven't told anyone I heard him and I'm not sure when the conversation will happen. Life at home hasn't been great either. Dad has been still seeing this women and he's been staying over hers. He hasn't slept in his own house in 2 weeks. He also hadn't said a single word to me since he yelled at Peter.

I don't know what's wrong with him and why he acted that way. Asher has gotten a scholarship to go to this fancy art school. He's really into painting and drawing realistic pictures. The only sad thing is that it's 2 1/2 miles away and he needs a parental signature. There's no way dad will sign it.

Schools been boring. After I told Peter everything about flash and Brad, I decided to tell ms frandwizer. She took in everything I said and told the principal. He had a chat with them and they've both been expelled. Unfortunately, flashes twin sister Eva hasn't been leaving me alone lately. She's in quite a few of my lessons I hadn't actually spoken to her before last Tuesday. She came up to me and since then it hasn't been the same:

Last Tuesday flashback.....

God how I hate science. I mean I'm pretty good at it but most of the things mr Lang teaches us is too easy and things we've learnt before. When the bell rang for the end of lesson, I decided to stay in class and finish the questions for a bit. It was lunch anyway so I texted Peter:

Hey I'm just finishing science work. Won't be long x

No worries, we are sitting at the table x

As I read peters message I saw a figure standing in front of me. I looked up to see Eva Thompson. Argh what does she want, she was like the most annoying person ever. "Heyyyyy Michelle" she said giggling. "Hi" I said dryly. "I wanted to chat for a bit" she said pulling up a chair. "Sure" I said. "Okay well my brother had been accused of sexually assaulting you and I need to know if your lying coz flash would never do anything like that and I think your just making this up for attention" she blurted out. I was silent, I didn't know what to say. "Well?" She said. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, ".....erm.....he kinda did" I said slowly. "Oh yeah" she said laughing. "What he do then" she asked folding her arms. "Uh...I'd rather not go into it" I said looking down. "Funny" she said. "Okay whatevs but if you don't go to Principle morita and tell him your lying then you'll regret it" she then said. I stayed silent. She stared at me for a while then got up and left.

End of flashback.....

I hadn't told Peter about it as I didn't want him to worry. Since that conversation Eva hadn't left me alone. She would always comment on what I was wearing or how I was acting that day, in any class we were in together. She texted me everyday telling me to remind myself that nobody likes me or how ugly i was . I tried not letting it get to me but it was starting to. My moods started to change and I could tell Peter could see it. 

He had asked me if I'm okay a couple times this week and I would just reply with 'yeah I'm good' . Even though I was lying. Truth is I didn't know how to tell him. Or anyone really. I just hoped overtime it would go away or she would get bored. Unfortunately, I was wrong. 

It was 3rd period and thankfully it was going quite quickly. It was lunch next and my stomach had rumbled I think a total of 4 times. Wait no. Now 5. Just as I looked at the clock for like the millionth time that lesson the bell rang. I quickly packed up my stuff and walked out the door. I rushed to my locker and put all my books away, then went to the cafeteria.

When I got there the first person I saw was Ned. He was sitting at our table but I couldn't see Peter. I decided to walk over anyway.
"Sup dork" I said. "Mj hi" Ned said looking up. "Where's Peter?" I asked taking a seat. "Dunno thought he'd be with you" Ned said confused. "No he had science with mr smith, I have mr Lang. Let me text him" I said. I got my phone out.
When I turned my phone on I saw a message from Eva. I ignored it and went onto peters contact.

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