Chapter 7

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TW: this chapter contains conversations about last chapters events.
This chapter also contains foul language

Mj's POV:
The second I got home I just laid on my bed. I'm surprised the office allowed my to go home. I told them I felt like I was going to be sick and my dad was waiting for me down the road. At first they didn't believe me so I had to fake a phone call. Plus my dad would flip if he found out I'm skipping school. But I have a good reason to.

I turned onto my side and couldn't get the image of flash doing that to me out of my head. I decided to open my phone and watch some reels on instagram. I was going to read but I think I left my book in the library and I didn't want to start a new one. I ended up watching my phone for almost and hour, I then got a text:

Hey Ned's at school now. Can I tell him what happened?

Are you guys alone?

yeah, everyone went to the computer suit so we are in our form room

sure but tell him not to tell a soul

I promise I will . See you later x

I trusted Ned so it was probably right for him to know. He was also Peters best friend. I ended up putting my phone away and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs I headed straight to the fridge. I got out a yogurt and a smoothie. I sat at the table and started eating. Once I was done I went back to my room to get my school bag. I was so bored and Asher had hidden the TV remote. I spent 2 hours looking for it yesterday and he still won't tell me where it is. Typical brother ay.

I reached in my bag and grabbed my homework. I might as well do it as there's nothing better to do.

About 2 hours later.......

I had finally finished my homework and sent it to my teacher. My English teacher Ms Dover was very strict and I liked her a lot. She always taught us well and I believed she was a great teacher. I always sent my homework to her a day early so she could really focus on it and give me improvements. After I sent it to her I got another text:

What the fuck was your problem today? Your meant to be one of my close friends and you just walked off. Idc if your having a bad day you could have At least been nicer. If you don't wanna be friends then just tell me. Ik I'm ranting but nowadays your always in a bad mood and not a great friend. I'm sorry but I don't wanna fight anymore

I read her message and was a little hurt. I didn't mean to ignore her. If she knew what had happened she may have not of sent the text, but I kinda wanna keep this private. I know flash's friends know but they seemed to be on my side of it. But how do I know they aren't  just doing this for their enjoyment and are really on flash's side? I mean it's crazy if you were but imagine if THEY were.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused more on Cindy. I decided to text her back:

I'm sorry for ignoring you.

What's your reason?

It doesn't matter. I'm not ready to share it yet

Oh but you can tell Peter

No it's just coz he was there

Oh come on
It's not like it's serious.

I looked at my phone and felt myself tearing up. I quickly blinked my tears away and turned my phone off. Cindy saying 'it's not serious' kind of made me think if i was being dramatic. Maybe it's not too bad. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe it's normal? I don't know. I then laid my head onto my pillow and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

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