Chapter 4

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This chapter contains swearing and physical and verbal bullying

Peters POV:
I woke up very slowly this morning. I felt the warmth of the sun through Mj's window. I remember falling asleep on her chest. I was now at the bottom of her pillow and her on the top. I leaned up a bit and placed her on me. I admired her golden face and ran my hands through her hair. I felt her move and wrap her arms round me. Her hair dropped on her face so I carefully moved it, slightly waking her up.

I saw her eyes slowly open. Her head immediately went deeper into my chest. We laid like that for a bit until I heard her door being tugged. "Pumpkin you up?" I heard her dad say. She immediately got off me and opened her mouth to speak. "Yeah dad just have a headache so I closed the door" she said in a hurry. "Okay well tell me if you need paracetamol or anything. I can always pop down and get some water" he said softly. "No thanks dad I'm good" she replied. We heard him walk away and go down the stairs. As soon as Mj knew he was gone, she took a big breath.

Mj's POV:
That was close. Too close. If dad had found Peter in my room he would have been furious. I mean he likes Peter but I doubt he'd allow him in my room. After a big breath, I turned to Peter. "Sleep well?" I asked running my fingers through his hair. "Yeah.. thanks for letting me stay" he said. "Anytime" I said back. He then sat himself up and dragged his lifeless body out of bed.

"God I'm so tired" I said furiously. "Really? You went to sleep very quickly" Peter said turning his body round. I also turned and faced him. I observed his face and could see bags underneath his eyes. His eyes were puffy and he looked as he didn't fall asleep. "What" he said with a chuckle. I took a deep breath then said, "Peter did you actually go up sleep last night?". His smile faded and he leaned back onto my headboard. He opened his mouth and answered my question. "Yes..." he started "but eventually". He looked down and fiddled with his fingers. I could tell he slept a little. But definitely not a lot. Considering the fact that it was the first day back to school, he should have gotten more sleep.

About 2 hours later......

Peters POV:
I left Mj's house this morning and snuck into my room just in time. I heard May outside my door and went to unlock it. As soon as she saw me she gave a warm smile. "Morning honey, did you sleep well" she asked cheerfully. "Yes May I did thank you" I lied. "Right well you better hurry. Don't want to be late for your first day back!" She said now walking away. I honestly think May is more excited for me to be in school then at home lol.

After getting ready and brushing my teeth, I went down the hall to find May in the kitchen. "Hiya" she said still cheery. "Do you want me to drop you because I have nothing but time" she asked. "I was going to take the bus this morning if that's alright" I replied. "Okay well if you change your mind I'm here" she said turning to finish off unloading the dishwasher. I stood there for a good few seconds and then turned to the clock. The current time was 7:46am. Shoot I'm going to be late if I don't go now. I said bye to May while grabbing a weetabix bottle and a banana.

I ran out the door of my apartment building very very speedily and down the street before the bus had arrived. I then took my phone out to text Ned I won't be long.

Hey just at the bus stop. I'll be 10-15 mins

Alright I'm at school cuz my mum dropped me. It's pretty lonely so you better hurry.

Aha I'll try

After putting my phone into my pocket, the bus arrived. 13 minutes early!! That was good as Ned won't have to be lonely for too long. The bus ride was short but I still took out my AirPods and listened to music. The bus dropped us off 5 minutes away from the school so I still had to walk a little. I couldn't really hear anything as my music was fairly loud and I didn't notice flash in front of me. He looked behind and saw me. We made eye contact and he slowed down.

My heart was beating so loud I think flash could hear it. I decided to take out my AirPods as I didn't really want flash to try and break them. As quickly as I could, I put them into my bag and let flash say whatever he wanted to me. "Penis" flash yelled. "Fancy seeing you here" bearing in mind we go to the same school that's probably the reason he's seeing me. "Aw you ignoring me now" he said pretending to cry. I tried blocking him out and sped up my walking but he kept my pace. "Where you going" he said. I kept quiet. Before I knew it he had pushed me into a bush and my books ended up on the floor. His friends ran over and just stood there and laughed. Not long after, they walked away. Steadily, I got up from the bush and picked up all my stuff. Placing them into my backpack. Shortly after, i saw Ned and ran over to him. Maybe I should have let May drop me off today.

Mj's POV:
My walk to school was quite boring this morning actually. Normally I'd walk with Asher but he'd left earlier to study in the library. When I got to school I got approached by my class mate Cindy. "Hey Mj is decathlon still on today" she asked all happy. How in all of the universe does this girl have energy. It's bloody 8am in the morning. "No sorry" I answered with no emotion. "Aw darn me and the others were really looking forward to it. Anyway it's fine see you in form" . She then ran off to Abraham and a couple other of our classmates.

Slowly but surely, I finally made it to my locker. I grabbed all the books I needed and as soon as I did the bell rang. Then principal Morita spoke on the speakers. "Good morning Midtown High. I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are excited to be back for learning". A few groans were made in the hallway. "Please make your way to your form rooms and get ready for an awesome day!!". I instantly closed my locker and headed to my form room. Where i hoped I would find Peter and Ned. 

Peters POV:
Me and Ned made our way to form quite calmly. When we got inside there was no sign of Mj. I soon realised I was in the way of the door and all of a sudden, flash push me forward so I hit the desk in front of me. He and his friends laughed so I just went to sit down.

Ned sat next to me meaning Mj would have to sit behind. Which I think would be fine with her as she likes being at the back and hidden away from the class. The bell then rang and we heard principal morita talking through the speakers. It was silent as everyone was listening and some groans were made to what he was saying.

After what felt like years, mr Harrington walked into the classroom. Mj was following behind him. She passed my desk squeezing my hand in the process. Before taking a seat behind mine. Flash noticed and called her out while making a joke towards me. I just ignored him and focused on my name in the register. 

Later in the school day.....

Still peters POV:
It was now lunch and my first 4 lessons went fairly quickly. I had chem, double maths and free period. I spent that with Mj In the library and we just revised and chatted for a while. Because we spent our last lesson together, we walked into the lunch hall and found Ned sitting at our table. We made our way over and Mj took out a book almost straight away.
"Hey man" Ned said giving me a bro hug. "Hey dude how was your last class" I asked making conversation. "Boring man. Plus flash and his friends joined and sat on the table behind me" Ned stated. "Did they do anything" I asked. Mj's eyes were now lifted off her page and fully focused on our conversation. "Nah not really just the usual". When Ned says that it probably meant they were talking about me, making jokes and chucking paper balls at him. "Alr man. tell me if they do anything else" I responded. Mj's eyes were back on her book but she looked up for a second giving me a reassuring smile.

Mj's POV:
After hearing the boys conversation at lunch, I decided to keep and eye on flash. He was in my last lesson so it was quite easy. I saw him glance over a couple times but he stopped after I made Eye contact and gave him a deadly look. He was pretty much fine the rest of the lesson except for making jokes here and there.

Finally the bell rang marking the end of school. Everyone ran out the class, including me, and dashed to the lockers. Soon after, I met up with Peter and his dorky best friend Ned. Peter started the conversation. "Hey do you guys want to come round? Ned we could play that new game I got". "Umm YES" Ned said a little to excitedly. "Mj?" Peter asked. I thought for a few seconds then said, "fine but while you two are trying to kill each other I'll be reading". "Alright" peter said with a chuckle. Ned also let out a small laugh, causing me to let one out too.

Right this one is a long chapter. I kept getting into it and didn't pay attention to how many words aha. Hope you enjoyed
~ Layla 💓

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