Chapter 8

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Mj's POV:
It had been over a month since what happened with flash. I mostly ignored him at school and since I sat next to him during English, I asked my teacher to move. Surprisingly she let me so now I sit next to Cindy. I mean not the best seat but better than flash.

Cindy hadn't talked to me since she sent me that text. It was pretty awkward especially with us having so many lessons together. I told Peter about the text and he said I was better off without her. He said if she can't support me and except that some people have bad days then she doesn't deserve me as a friend. However, I still hadn't got over not having HER as my friend.

Me and Betty had gotten pretty close recently and my relationship with Peter has been the best. He came round the other week for dinner and him and my brother got along very well. They both share a great passion for gaming so that kept them busy for a while. Me and dad had a long talk and he's been talking to this women. They've been hitting it off recently and I have a suspicion they are dating. Dad won't admit it though. Every time I ask him he laughs and walks away. I mean I want him to be happy and all but He does miss mum a lot.

I hadn't really talked about my mum to anyone really. Not even Peter. I mean he hadn't asked about her so I just assumed he didn't care. When I was 7, my mum was very ill and had to be taken into hospital. She was then in the hospitals care for 3 days. We then found out she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctors had said they caught it too late and might not be able to treat her. Then about a 2 months after my 8th birthday we found out she had passed away. Dad was the most sad about it. He would visit mums grave everyday, until he just stopped. To be honest I didn't really know how to feel. I loved my mum but she wasn't the nicest person and she would always yell at me and Asher. So when she died I didn't cry or feel upset. But a few days ago it was her birthday. I visited her grave and brought flowers. Dad hadn't said much about it so I didn't bring it up.

Monday morning.....

Still Mj's POV:
I got woken up by the sunlight hitting my face. When I got myself up I saw my TV still on. I must of fallen asleep as a random movie was playing. I turned it off and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and tied my hair back. I then walked out the bathroom to my closet. I chose a simple and comfy outfit. I picked out black leggings, an oversized blue hoodie and white trainers. I put small studs in my ears and put a ring on my pinkie. I then headed downstairs.

Asher had gotten his grades up so he stopped doing extra study. Dad said he should keep trying to achieve more to keep them up so they don't drop again.
"Morning pumpkin. You sleep well" dad asked
"Yeah not to bad" I said. "Where's Asher?" I asked looking around. "Oh he went to Keira's house to walk with her". Keira was Asher's best friend. She was very close to our family and comes on holiday with us almost every year with her mum and sisters. Her sisters were younger than me, about 7 years younger,  but I still played and spent the most time with them.
"Ah okay." I replied back. I then got my phone out:

Hey do you wanna walk w me

Sure. I'll be at yours in ab 5 x

Alright x

"Do you want me to drop you off today" dad asked.
"Oh I'm walking with Peter. Thanks though" I said quickly. "Ah okay. Shall I drop you round his or?" He then asked. "No he's coming now." I said. Dad then nodded and walked over to the table with his cereal. I then walked over to the fridge to get some fruit.

I was just finishing eating my mango as the door bell rang. Dad answered it. "Peter! Nice to see you. Why don't you come inside" dad said enthusiastically. "Thanks Mr jones" Peter said with a smile. Peter then gave me a small wave and made his way over.
"Hey" he said. "Hey" I said before putting another piece of mango into my mouth. He the got up and said, "I'm just going to the loo". "Okay" I said finishing my mouthful. He then gave me quick kiss and went upstairs.

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