"Have you eaten?" Jimin shook his head again making Taehyung mumbled his dislikes about that. He took Jimin's hand and led him down to the kitchen, searching in the refrigerator for anything to eat. "Be a wife and cook." Taehyung gave Jimin a pot and a wooden spoon and clapped his hands, ordering him around.

"I'm kidding, darling, sit down. We ending the patriarchy." Taehyung told while he took the items from his hands. Jimin snickered softly and sat down, "you don't know how to cook." Taehyung was reminded and once he remembered he deflated.

"Damn, I don't." He groaned softly and leaned on the counter. "Order from your favorite, I'll pay." Jimin nodded and searched online for his favorite restaurant around. "Done." Jimin clicked the deliver button on the screen and looked up to Taehyung who was already looking at him.

He swallowed and flickered his eyes for a second before he regain his conscious. "Gosh, you're weird." Taehyung scoffed but nodded, "my eyes like to look at pretty things. They just can't help it and so can't I." He shrugged his shoulder and smugly smiled. Jimin thought for a second, he didn't understand it at first but once he did, he felt himself redden up.

He cleared his throat and walked off into the living room. Laying on the couch and started the television in search of a series, he noticed Taehyung walk in and sat down next to him letting his legs on his lap.

"Daddy's sorry." A sneaky grin appeared and so did the motions he made on Jimin's foot, massaging. "You're not daddy. Stop calling yourself that." Jimin ignored his temptation to glare at his best friend, "then who's daddy?" Taehyung's raised an eyebrow, now the hidden grin was all for show.

Jimin tilted over to Taehyung and whispered the following, "I am." Taehyung blinked a couple of times before laying his body on Jimin's small figure. "Daddy is sure is small, but size doesn't matter." Jimin huffed a laugh before he heard Taehyung's own mixing in.

"We have to stop with all this weird shit, Taehyung, really." Jimin mused. Taehyung spiked his head up, quite offended. "Why? It's funny." It was more than just funny. And it was more than what Taehyung felt. He didn't like Jimin's words, it brought him to reality.

The one that they weren't nothing more than best friends and that's not want he wanted. He wanted more, but it was too much to ask for.

He shook his head and sat back up, fully concentrated on the television. Jimin on the other hand, didn't feel any different from Taehyung. He just didn't like how Taehyung would say they're exclusive while they're just friends, it hurt.

Too painful yet too scared to voice anything because of his fear of losing him. He hated the fact they acted all closely while the intentions were different for the boys.

'Ding dong' the doorbell rang.

The two snapped their heads over the front door, "get the table ready." Taehyung mumbled and went to search for his wallet. Jimin did as told, setting the table for two then sitting down with crossed legs and fidgeting fingers. He could hear Taehyung talking the delivery person something something random before he heard the door shut and plastic bags being heard.

He smiled softly at the sight of Taehyung setting the contained foods on the table then sitting himself down. Jimin shakily took one of the containers and with a spoon, he placed a small amount of portion. Taehyung was handed the same container, he thanked Jimin and did the same thing. Once the plates were set with various of foods they began to eat, silently.

"Food can make you feel all certain ways." Jimin narrowed his eyebrows, munching his food while he waited to be explained.

Taehyung took the sign and continued, "dopamine is the reason. It's role is to act as a 'reward system' almost. It signals the same thing as I spoke about earlier with the sugar. And when we eat our favorites, our bodies release dopamine." Jimin hummed softly to Taehyung's word. Taehyung nodded and continued to eat.

Friendship into Relationshipحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن