"I don't think that I will survive losing you," Y/N whispered, her hand moving to rest on top of the one I placed on her cheek.

"It's a good thing that won't happen for decades, at the very least." Bucky smiled gently. "If we're lucky, we'll be senior citizens warm in our bed. "

"I'm trying to imagine an eighty-year-old Bucky Barnes with a metal arm. It's hard to visualize that in my head." "It's a good thing that you're stuck with this gorgeous physique for at least another decade. It'll prepare you." Bucky laughed, and at the sound of her own giggle, he knew that her anxieties were at least beginning to be comforted.

Truthfully, the idea of death scared Bucky Barnes to his core. But not only for himself. Before meeting Y/N, he would have felt content to have passed away any day now. He had lived over a hundred years, even if a significant chunk had been spent in terrible circumstances. Bucky had watched his closest friend leave him behind for his love, and he had accepted it surprisingly well. Sure, he had Sam, but for the longest while, it felt like all they could do was argue.

But now, Bucky was hopeful for a long life. And he also feared any threat of harm that came toward Y/N. He had spent quite some time worrying about her safety while he was away with Sam, and even now, that fear lingered in the bank of his mind. Y/N did not care about the risks that came with being with him, and part of that made Bucky love her even more. But the lingering fear somehow always made its way back to him.

"Thank you for loving me... and comforting me, even if my fears are stupid." Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and Bucky shook his head gently, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him.

"Nothing about your fears are silly, doll." He reassured her, gently pressing his lips against her forehead before pulling away. "I just don't want you to fear losing me. I promise you I'm here as long as you want me."

"Forever?" Y/N gazed up at him, and a smile lit up Bucky's face.

"Forever it is."


It had been years since that day in the park, and her request for him to stay with her forever remained etched in his memory. Just over two years after that day, he reaffirmed that promise at the alter, nearly in tears at the sight of his love dressed in white and looking as beautiful as ever. Life felt much simpler after that. After they returned from their honeymoon, the two lovers began to search for a home away from the city. Their small apartment in the city worked decently enough, but it was time to leave this life behind.

Y/N had finished her final day of work, quietly making the trip back to their apartment as the sun slowly began to set. Although the day was over, more work awaited her at the apartment. After months and months of searching, Bucky and Y/N had finally found a house that they loved. In only a few days, they would be leaving the city for good. The buzzing of her phone caught her attention, a smile lifting her lips at the sight of her husband's name on the screen. "Hey baby, I'm just leaving the office. I shouldn't be more than five to ten minutes."

"Sounds great. Sam offered to help us finish packing, so I just picked him up and we're going to get some food. What sounds better: Chinese or pizza?"

"Bucky, you know that I can cook. I don't mind making a little extra for Sam." Y/N rolled her eyes, as their apartment building came into view.

"Nuh-uh. You just got home from work, and we still have to finish packing. No more stress on your end. "

"Okay, fine, pizza sounds great." She let out a small laugh at the sound of him squabbling with Sam in the background. "I'm going to let you two children go. Please play nice. I'll need all the help I can get once you're home. I love you."

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