"Stella?" She asked when I barged my way into her office. "Didn't think I'd see you here."

"Well," I replied. "I've been busy."

"What are you doing here?"

I opened my mouth but nothing came out of it. 

How should I even approach her? Ceris was one who demanded respect.

Which meant that I had to...


Ceris isn't the ruler of the End anymore.

I am.

But am I really?

Stella, just pretend. Pretend that you truly are the ruler of the End.

I stood up straighter, with more confidence than before.

"Ceris," I said. "Why did you do it? Why did you lie?"

The former End Matriarch just gave me a look as if I had said "I'm dating a cow" instead.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked me.

"You know I just learned today?" I asked. "From Kaylee?"

Ceris shook her head.

"I learned..." I said slowly. "That you never dated your entire life and that you never had children. Which means that Nebula isn't related to you and neither am I!"

Ceris inhaled sharply.

"And Nebula isn't even my mom!" I continued. "I'm adopted and you lied about it! Why?!"

"Well, it's like you said, you have all this important stuff that you are doing here, so I thought that I would be rude to interrupt you. Plus this way we get to advance the plot!"

This is the bullshit Ceris told me.

"Who are my parents?!" I demanded. 

Ceris just shrugged. "I'm not sure," she said. "I just know it's not Nebula."

I groaned.

You're not going to be any help, are you? I thought bitterly.

For the first time, I felt resentment and anger at Ceris.

I had to restrain myself from beating her up.

Remember that this is Ceris... someone who has lived longer than you and has more experience. You might as well cut off your own head and deliver it to her on a silver platter. 

I shook my head, knowing that I wouldn't get any answers from her.

The one I idolized my entire life.

Maybe I was taking this too hard. After all, we all have family issues. 

Ember had learned last year that he was adopted, and his homeland... was destroyed.

Razer has told us countless times about his life as an orphan and how he lost his adopted family.

For some reason, he kept looking at Alex with fury when he said that.

Rain lost his parents when Glacierford fell.

Moon said her parents got divorced when she was eight years old.

Alex stated that his parents were still alive, but said that he didn't care. He's probably the luckiest out of us all... if he didn't take them for granted.

Kyle... only said his father died from a disease.

Andrew lost his mother as a young child, as well as his father later on.

Sheila lost her mother when she was a baby, and her father over a year ago. But he had her older brother and a new younger sister.

Shizuku once told us that her parents abandoned her a few thousand years ago, and was raised by a different family.

Damian had an abusive father, and a mother who went missing... but also has his sweet sister Karin, who loved magic.

Jun's parents died from an apocalypse, leaving him to take care of his blind sister, Roxy. 

Nina's mother is dead and her father started the whole apocalypse.

Wait, isn't the apocalypse over?

Oh, never mind...  I forgot they were from a whole entire universe.

Even me, after I escaped from Nebula... who isn't my mother, and quite frankly, I'm actually glad she wasn't my mother. I was raised by the witches in the Coven, and became friends with Victor, Lief, and Tsuki.

I let out a small sigh at the memory of Victor and Lief, as well as a small prayer that by some miracle... Tsuki would wake up.

As I recounted the times I spent with the Coven, being raised as their own daughter in a way, I felt a small sense of peace.

Anyways, all of us... had a childhood of some sort, whether we liked it or not. In fact, we were blessed to have some sort of childhood.

Most of us... 

I closed my eyes as a memory flashed back... a memory long before all of our friends got sucked into that damned portal and into another dimension.

Fucking screwdriver.


I'm back!

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें