kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Start from the beginning

"She saved a lot of people last night, Ralph," Iris said, earning a look from Ralph.

"Yeah, and Cisco had to save her," Ralph said and Iris shook her head in annoyance.

She walked out of the med bay, unable to look at Ralph, and Mon followed after her.

"We just need to make sure this doesn't happen again," Barry said, moving on from the clear tension, "We have to find Matthew Kim and whoever he transferred Eric Fry's powers to."

"How close are you to reversing this?" Harry asked Caitlin.

"I don't know that I can," she said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I was up all night trying every conceivable solution. Dark matter splicing, pattern DNA cloning, even regrowing meta enhanced stem material on a cellular level. Nothing will work. I cannot replicate Melting Point's powers. So unless we find him and get him to reverse what he's done — Kara is Team Speedster and Barry Team Kryptonian on a permanent basis," Caitlin explained.

"Great, that's, uh — that's great. I'm gonna go work on my will," Ralph said before he walked off, and Kara rolled her eyes.


Before Harry left as well, he gave Cisco a long and annoyed stare. Once he turned and left as well, Caitlin shot Cisco a look. Which he took the hint and walked after Harry.

In the hallway, Cisco walked after Harry, who was pretending he wasn't there. "Harry. Harry, I know you hear me-"

Harry swung around towards him, "Another team member hurt by one of DeVoe's metas," he said, pointing towards the cortex.

"I know," Cisco said.

"And we can fix it, but, no, no," Harry mocked.

"I know!" Cisco snapped.

"And you know what else? Snow wasn't the only one who was up all night working. I was up all night working. I'm almost. I'm almost finished, but you won't help me finish!" Harry snapped. "I'm gonna help you finish!" Cisco snapped which Harry looked at him oddly, "Finish — the thinking cap. I'm gonna help you finish the thinking cap."

"It's an intelligence booster, actually. It's called an intelligence booster," Harry corrected.

But Cisco, he held up two fingers, "Two conditions," he said.

"What are your conditions?" Harry asked.

"One, we stimulate your synapses without using dark matter," Cisco said.

"Fine, no dark matter. And two?" Harry asked.

"The minute you start acting like Locutus of Borg and start assimilating everybody with your Borg chair-"

"You can vibe me back to my Earth, okay?" Harry said.

"Okay," Cisco muttered.

"Let's go," Harry said, turning around and walking towards Cisco's Workshop with Cisco following.


Later on that day, Mon-El slowly walked into the Speed Lab to find Iris. She was in workout clothes, punching bag in front of her, crushing all her irritation and anger right into that bag. "Take it easy," Mon told her, but she continued punching into the bag, ignoring him, "Iris, plant your feet, straighten your wrists."

She took a breath, before she did as he said, and she felt more power in the punch. "Much better."

Iris softly shook her head before walking away from the bag, and towards the platform. But it was obvious that something was bothering her. "Iris?" Mon questioned, but she ignored him, "Hey, Iris," he stepped forward and turned her to face him, "What's wrong?"

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