The Streets 3 🌼🐡

Start from the beginning

As soon as Peter reached the diner he dropped all the books and collapsed on his bed. After a minute he stood back up and got to work on his assignments. He started with his easy math and science homework then worked on his projects. Two hours later and his desk was a mess. There were papers, books, and writing utensils all scattered around the floor. Peter has also fallen asleep at his desk. Maybe it was his exhaustion that caused his spidey sense to not alert him that people were approaching his home.

3rd person omniscient POV

Tony Stark and his team walked into the diner and immediately froze. There in front of them was a place that almost resembled a home. In fact there was a bed, a dinner table, decorations that made it feel homy, and a desk that someone was sleeping on. Wait what?! Why is there someone sleeping on a makeshift desk? Do they live here? Tony looked around a little more and saw that there were what looked like homework scattered about on the floor and desk. So not only is someone living here, but he's also a kid. Tony felt a small ping in his chest. It almost felt like someone pricked his heart with a needle. Unsure of what he should do, Tony clears his throat hoping it would wake him up. Luckily it did just that.

Peter jumped awake when he heard a strange sound which caused him to fall out of his chair and fall on the floor. Peter yelps in pain. His fall caused pain to shoot through his body from landing on his bruises. He then notices the group of men and women staring at him. He quickly stands up and scrambles back. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights and his face was pale.

Tony Stark, upon realizing that the teen isn't going to say anything in his shocked state, decides to see if he can jump start his brain. "You okay there kid?"

Peter's eyes snapped to the older man who spoke. That's when he saw who the man was. Standing in front of Peter is his idol Tony Stark. His eyes widened as he started internally fanboying, but stopped once he realized that his childhood idol, the man he has looked up to his whole life, now knows that he is homeless. Good going Parker, that's definitely one way to make an impression, he thinks to himself.

"Yes, Mr. Stark, sir." Peter awkwardly answers. He has never been known as confident or outgoing, instead he is described as shy and awkwardly. Mr. Stark chuckles at his response.

"Just call me Tony." Tony then waves off this crew, so he can talk to the kid alone. This helped Peter relax a little bit, just as Tony had hoped it would. "Now will you tell me what you're doing in here Mr.-" Tony trails off as a single for the teen to sys his name and answer the question.

"Parker. Peter Parker." He informs his idol. He can't believe his idol knows his name! Stay cool Peter, you don't want to embarrass yourself anymore than you already have, he says to himself.

"Mr. Parker, because it looks to me like you are living in this abandoned building. Isn't that right?" Tony asks him while walking around and inspecting the place. Peter nods his head.

"Why is that exactly Mr. Parker?"

"I... well um you see... I uh..." Peter says, struggling to put his thoughts into coherent sentences. Finally he takes a deep breath and decides it would be best to be pest with Mr. Stark.

"I was put into an awful foster home. I put up with it for a while, but one day I was tired of it and ran away. I stumbled onto this diner a while back and made it my home. I still go to school and I go to work. Well I did go to work. I got fired just recently, but it wasn't my fault! I had a whole bunch of projects I had to work on for school and the library is only open certain times of the day, so I ended up being late most days. I'm currently looking for a new job right now, cause you know, I need to eat. I applied at this cafe down the street. The food there is absolutely amazing! You have to try it some time! Their chocolate chip cookies are so soft and fluffy and the chocolate chips just melt in your mouth. They are the best cookies I've ever had! Then again, I haven't had a lot of cookies before, so my opinion may not be worth much. My Aunt May would always burn the cookies. She wasn't the best cook. Honestly she probably could have burned water if she wanted to. This one time she tried to make spaghetti and it was a disaster! She completely burned the noodles. Then there was tomato sauce everywhere. I'm not joking. It covered the floor, cabinets, walls, and even the ceiling. Like how did she get tomato sauce on the ceiling in our apartment?! It was crazy she-" Peter suddenly stopped his long speech once he realized just how long he had been rambling on for. His face heated up in embassesment.

"Sorry. I have a bad problem with rambling whenever I start talking. It just always happens and I don't know why. I asked my aunt and uncle if my parents rambled, but they said that my parents didn't ramble. That means it isn't genetic, but then where do I get it from? I really would like to know since it always seems to happen, which gets me into a lot of trouble, believe it or not. And it also causes many people to not like me, which makes sense honestly. Like who would willingly want to be around me? I have so many problems and things that are wrong with me. Not to mention bad things just seem to follow me around. I have such bad luck that I even gave it a name. I like to say that whenever something bad happens in my life it's because of Parker Luck. Giving it a name makes it seem less bad in a way. I think it also helps me cope with every bad thing that happens in my life. Like seriously, if I listed everything bad that has ever happened to me, the list would probably be as tall as the Avengers tower, which is super tall by the way. The structure of the building is incredible! And the architecture is so detailed it's amazing! Did you come up with the design or did you hire someone to do it for you? Whoever designed it was a genius! It's amazing that it hasn't fallen over due to the amount of weight that is on the structure. I mean that-"

"Peter!" Mr. Stark cuts off the rambling teen.

"Sorry! I did it again, didn't I? I really need to work on that."

"You weren't kidding when you said you had a rambling problem."


"I have an offer for you. Why don't you come work for Stark Industries? While you're there, I will provide you with a place to live and a decent pay." Peter wasn't sure if he heard Mr. Stark correctly or not. Did he just say he could work at Stark Industries? His dream job? This cannot be real!

"Why me though?" Peter asks.

"During your rambling I could tell you are smart. Plus there is something different about you that I like. You're caring and kind and even though you are in a difficult situation, you're still super positive. You're very unique." Tony saw something in the kid before. Peter almost reminded Tony of himself, but all the good things about him. Plus there was this strange feeling inside him that pulled him towards this teen.

"So what do you say? Do you want to come work for me?" He asks the kid.

"Yes!" he replies instantly with some much joy and happiness. The kid was practically jumping up and down.

Peter couldn't believe this was happening. After all the hardships he had to face, all the people who have tried to tear him down, he's finally getting some good luck on his side. Many people say that Karma will always come back for you whether it's good or bad. Peter has helped so many people between being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman and a kind hearted citizen. All of the good Karma must have been building up until this point to produce such a great outcome. It's like they say after the storm comes a beautiful rainbow, you just have to be patient. 

Tada! The third part in now finished! Now the question is should I make a forth or should I just leave it at that? This is fully up to you readers. I won't make a new chapter unless either I run out of ideas or you ask me to. 

Also I started a new book that is a collection of some poems that I have written, so if you could please go check it out that would be wonderful. 

I have a new story in the making, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be another short one. For whatever reason I have trouble writing long stories. Then again I am trying to get the out as fast as possible for y'all, so that could be part of it. 

Welp anyways. I hope y'all have had a wonderful day so far! See ya later loyal readers! (It kind of rhymes right? Or does that just sound stupid?)

2324 words

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