Chapter 21: The True Narrator-man

Start from the beginning

He said that after he saw her corpse.
He said it as if she was still of use.

"What is he going to do to her?"
Smart-man asked.

The monster frowned.
"If you want to check on her, I won't stop you. Don't worry, I won't be running away from this place. Just as the truth foretold, we shall meet again."

"The truth-man.."
Smart-man thought.
"What is the truth-man anyway?"
He wondered.

He was about to say the words to return to the university between realities, but the monster gave him one last advice.

"There is something hidden within the home of the narrators. Don't let it take you."


Smart-man reached the door to the principal office.
His body hurt all over.
He felt his mind slowly and steadily slipping away from him.

"No.. I need more time-man..."

He opened the door.

Inside he found the lonesome principal.
He acted a bit nervous after seeing smart-man suddenly enter without knocking.

"Oh.. hello there, smart-man. Howsitgoin?"
He stumbled over his words.

Smart-man scanned the room.
"Where is narrator-man?"

The principal nervously waved his hands around.
"Ah you know-man.. here-man there-man.."

A sound filled the room
The creaking of a door but it was too high pitched to come from the one door smart-man entered from.

The sound came from the principals direction.

It came from the small model house on his desk.

Something small exited the model house, it looked like an ant because it was too small for him to figure out what it actually was.

Then he walked towards smart-man and with each step it began to grow.

After it was right in front of smart-man, narrator-man was revealed to stand on top of the principals desk, hands on his hips, standing proud.

"Hi, smart-man. Back so early-man?"

"Where is idiot-man?"
Smart-man asked.

Narrator-man shook his head.
"You seemed to have some problem-men with your mission-man so I thought I would give you some help-man."

Out of the little model house appeared another figure.

It grew and grew.

"What... how are you.."
Smart-man was perplexed.

"Isn't it great-man? I brought her back-man! Sorry for lying-man to you, but now you don't need to feel sad-man anymore, smart-man."
Narrator-man explained.

In front of smart-man was a man that strongly resembled idiot-man, but something was wrong with her.

As he was staring at her, idiot-man's hand fell off.

"Ahh.. it was hard-man to find a replacement-man for that.."
Narrator-man said as he picked up the hand.

"You didn't happen to have the hand-man she lost-man, do you?"
Narrator-man said as he reattached the hand.

"What have you done to her..?"
Smart-man asked.

"Now if you start questioning-man it, it's gonna lose its magic-man. You can go on adventure-men again. Isn't that nice-man?"
Narrator-man explained.

Smart-man averted his gaze off narrator-man out of slight irritation and took a good look at idiot-man, or the thing that looked like her.

Her eyes lost their shimmer, her skin was pale, the skin color of the hand didn't fully match her body.

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