Arcane: "That is true… A bloodbath."

Fusion: "We can't afford to lose either. We're gonna be forced to take a stand."

Arcane: "That's why we need the youth to join us."

Flash Bang: "The what?"

Arcane: "The youth. Heroes in training. The Commission did ask to train Work Study students to prepare for this inevitable war."

Fusion slams his hands on the desk.

Fusion: "Making kids join?! Are we serious?"

Arcane: "Desperate times call for desperate measures. After all, this is what the kids are signing up for. Instead of regulated training in safe and controlled environments with almost realistic simulations. It will be the same, but instead: It's trial by fire."

Fusion does a deep sigh and slumps down his chair.

Fusion: "Kids are gonna have it tough, huh?"

Arcane: "No one has a choice. They're the next set of the most capable fighters after us. We're taking the lead in all of this. The hero status the others want to maintain will now be in trial in four months."

The whole group went silent for a moment before Flash Bang spoke up.

Flash Bang: "This is the reality you want to stop from happening, right?"

Arcane: "It is… Now it's coming… Brewing… Like a Raging Storm…"

Fusion: "So this is the question you always ask us."

The scene now focuses on Arcane's fierce purple eyes.

Arcane: "Now, I ask all of you in this room once again, like the past: Can you be a hero in that reality, or are you just all talk and mighty?"


The scene changes to Endeavor approaching Kuuga and standing in front of him.

Endeavor: "Let's go. Don't forget why you're here."

Kuuga stares at him for a while before muttering to himself.

Kuuga: "Against my will."

He stands up from his seat and follows the Pro Hero out of the office, 

Endeavor: (mentally) "The Work Study is insurance for our fighting strength. Goodness… I still don't agree with it, but for now…"

Kuuga walks ahead and stands beside Todoroki, Izuku, and Bakugo while Endeavor stands before them.

Endeavor: "Shoto, Deku, Bakugo, Kiriu, I'll be looking after you four."


The scene changes back into Arcane's office with the meeting still ongoing.

Fusion: "If Hawks is being monitored by the enemy and he gave this place a visit, does that mean this building is compromised?"

Arcane: "This building has always been compromised from the start, just none of them have the guts to target us right now, knowing anyone who tries to attack will instantly be defeated, unless…"

Parapet: "Unless what?"

Arcane: "Unless they're desperate. The enemy is aware that if they defeat this agency, victory will be a guarantee to them. I hope you're aware that the efforts me and Hoshasei made for this agency made us technically the most important pillar in the Hero Society, that's why we have to be greedy."

Sketcher: "By pulling back a lot of our heroes and being stationed here to protect ourselves?"

Arcane: "The enemy will most likely try to pull off something against us, we have to take advantage of our information being confidential to the public. As of now, we know more about the enemy than they know about ours."

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