Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I 'am going to the international mall today with my mom Carla and her friend Lana who is seriously a cougar so I'm going to have to ditch them at one point. It's mid July and school starts here the last week of August so I have a few weeks to try and get it together so I look good. It's time to shed the baggy clothes this year. I did get a few cute outfits in NY this summer but there is a school dress code so I can't wear short shorts or thin strapped tank tops. They don't really make a big a deal about it like they did in middle school so I'm sure I'll find some good stuff. I'm kinda over the whole hipster festival quinoa and kale eating fringe look but it surrounds me everywhere I go.

I'm also going to try to get some summer stuff on clearance to wear on the weekends; it's not like it's getting cold here anytime soon. Hopefully I'll find some nice stuff shopping today especially at Hollister because I get Justin's employee discount.

A few of the girls at my school were really mean bitches towards me last year; even the ones I grew up and used to play with in elementary school have made snarky comments to me for no reason, mostly making fun of my clothes or that I need some makeup. I just ignore them most of the time but a few times they have made me cry to the point where I had to go to the bathroom and hide in a stall until I calmed down.

I actually left school once and walked home because I could not stop crying. I know that's ridiculous and I could have told somebody but I was more embarrassed for myself that I allowed them to make me cry. I wish I wasn't so sensitive.I just don't know what I did too make them hate me so much.

They have never tried to hit me or like physically attack me or I would have defended myself, and you can be sure they would get knocked out. They just think I'm weak because I'm quiet but actually I'm pretty strong and can throw a good punch, I just don't like any kind of physical fighting and ill only do it if it's in self-defense. I could have told on them and got them all in trouble that time I had to leave school but then everyone would have just hated me more so I let it go.

The boys at school are okay to me mainly because they know my brothers. There are some really cute guys at my school who do check me out occasionally but I don't get asked out much, at least not by the boys at school. Hopefully I at least get asked to prom this year. I don't want to go alone, that would be awful. The one boy I'd love to go out with is Christian Grey, he is so out of my league. He lives like a few blocks from my house in a different subdivision of Tampa Palms in the really big houses.

He's caught me staring awkwardly at him a few times at school. He's 17 almost 18, very tall, nice tan, dark copper hair, light blue gray eyes, (sigh) and a sizzling hot body, he plays on the schools Lacrosse team .I heard he tore something in his calf or leg and had surgery a few months ago so he can't play for a while and that means I cannot gawk freely at him pretending I'm watching the game which clearly I have no understanding of, it just looks painful and a bit medieval. However if watching him all day was a sport I'd be an Olympic champion.

Sadly he has a girlfriend named Megan "Evil Barbie" Rossi who is a total mean bitch. Ugh I can't stand her. After he left that comment on my picture I liked him even more. I saw him a few days ago when I went to Starbucks and I could have sworn he was looking at me and smiled but I pretended not to see and got all clumsy and panicky like an anti-social freak.

I am excited about going to the mall today (except for the mom part). So I decided to put forth a little extra effort into my appearance today while I shop. Being at the mall alone is depressing enough so I'm wearing some cute white short shorts, a tight turquoise tank top to show some cleavage, cute gold flip flops and my fully loaded pandora bracelet.

I straightened my hair perfectly. I feel like if I look good I won't feel so bad about shopping alone. I made sure to put on some neutral makeup and some shiny MAC lip glass to enhance my luscious lips. Lol, Kidding. No I'm serious, okay I dont know :)

Fuuuuck! The mall is packed with back to school shoppers today and I really am going to have to ditch my mom and Lana quickly. Lana the cougar already has her eye on some 20 something year olds and is looking pathetically desperate in leopard attire as she is doing her best to flirt with some way too young for her guys as my mom stands awkwardly back shaking her head with a sarcastic smile. Gosh, Lana is so inappropriate sometimes.

My brother Justin once told me she was flirting with him at my mother's pampered chef party and he couldn't look her at her after that but he never told my mom. Her flirting is my cue to exit. I need to get my mother to give me some money so I can go on my own already.

"Mom, this is beyond embarrassing" I whisper

"Can I just have some money please so I can go shopping? I'll text you in like an hour or two, or just call my cell if you want me" I say rolling my eyes

"Fine, fine just don't go crazy with the spending please I have bills you know" she says rolling her eyes right back at me.

"You sure you don't mind shopping alone?" she asks

"No, I prefer it okay" jeez I'm not 10 years old.

"Okay, I'll text you in a little while. Do you want to meet for lunch?" She asks

"I don't know, I just want to go shopping, can I go now?" I ask

"Fine" she pouts, then hands me her debit card and some cash.

Oh how awkward can this get so far? There is Mr. Chasing my principal sitting at a small table at Starbucks sipping coffee and reading his Ipad. Who goes to the mall to read?

"Oh Mother, look it's your future husband and my principal Mr. Chasing" I whisper sarcastically and she gasps and turns her head. She looks like me, an awkward teenage girl with a crush.

"That man is fine looking, one of these days..." she trails off.

"Maybe I'll go have a coffee Anastasia, text me shortly, love you sweetie"

"Love you, bye mom."

Thank you for reading

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