Known Laws part 1

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BNHA/KotLC (the KotLC will come later, but this is going to be a multi-part story!)

Izuku didn't know what to do. There was a hero he had never met before, holding a vacuum full of the slime villain that had tried to kill him and smiling at him in concern. Tried to kill him. He had come even closer to dying than ever before.

"Are you okay, kiddo? I was going to take you to the hospital, but Ruewen convinced me not to for some reason, saying it would be too dangerous. What's up with that?"

Izuku needed to turn the conversation away from this dangerous territory, and quickly. "Ruewen? Who's that, I only see you here?"

"I need you to answer my question, don't think I didn't notice the diversion, kiddo."

Izuku couldn't disobey this hero, that would be super bad, because how would heroes do their job if someone kept secrets from them? "I... my mom works at the hospital."

"Ohhk? I need more clarification on that."

"She'd never let me leave the house if she heard about this! She might even quit her job and look for a virtual one so she could supervise me, and I know it's from a good place but she really shouldn't have to inconvenience herself even more for me!" He panted slightly, trying to get his air back after the word barf he had created.

The hero let  a whistle out of her lips. "Dang, kiddo, I've heard a lotta trauma but this is almost Rue-level stuff."

Okay, seriously, Izuku was curious as to who this Rue/Ruewen person was. He wanted to meet them. Wait, TRAUMA?  Izuku didn't have trauma, I mean, maybe his dad was never there, and his mother wasn't always home, but it was just fine because plenty of other people had absent parents and work parents, right?

"Okay, kid, I think I understand what's going on, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to check you over here, then walk you to your house. Before I leave, I'll give you my number so that if something happens I can be right there. Does that sound okay?"


"I'm gonna need you to tell me what your name is, and what year it is. Mkay, kiddo?"

"Midoriya Izuku,  and it's 24XX."

"Alright. What job does your mother have at the hospital?"

"She's a nurse, a geriatric nurse."

"Ah, so she gets to hang out with interesting old people then? They have some of the coolest stories, lil' Mido. Do ya have any hobbies?"

"I... I like to analyse heroes and do art."

"Cool! Have you ever done an escape room? I think you'd like them."

"No, what's that?"

"So basically, there are places where they come up with huge, elaborate puzzles for you and your team to figure out within a time limit. They're meant to be fun ways to spend some time with people you care about."

Wow. That sounded amazing! Izuku wanted to see what that was like, but his mother would never allow him to be out for something like that.

"Alright, Kiddo, you should be fine. Lead me to your house, then."

Izuku hadn't even realised that the hero had finished checking up on him until she sat back on her legs and smiled at him. Was it a good idea for him to lead this person to his home? He had assumed she was a hero, but what if she wasn't? He couldn't trust anybody.

"Ah, I see. I can show you my hero licence, if that'll make you more comfortable?"

Izuku nodded, and when he saw the official logo declaring the woman the underground hero 'Shocker', his first question was "You're American? You don't have much of an accent!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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