It's ELEMENT-ary

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Ok guys- three things about this KotLC oneshot

1- It hints at Sokeefe

2- In this fanfic, Dex was too late and Sophie was the only one kidnapped

3- Garwin Chang (Sophie's bully in the human world, an unexplored minor character) is a redeemed character. He is bi, and his homophobic surroundings put a lot of pressure on him. Thus, the bullying. He remembers Sophie because he feels bad about projecting onto her.

TW for injuries and mentions of suicide/kidnapping


Garwin shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the concrete lot he had to go past to get to his summer job corralling kids at a camp. 

He had less than a month until he went to college, a month till the girl who had lived on the house that had been in that concrete lot would have gone there despite her young age. The girl had disappeared months ago. She was twelve when she had vanished without a trace along with her family and all of the memories of them from almost everyone.

 Everyone except Garwin. 

His heart ached when he thought of how badly he had treated Sophie. Something had happened to her, and Garwin was going to find out because he owed her that much.

So far, he had seen several links that could mean something or nothing. 

The strange old neighbor who had moved out at the same time, Sophie's unusual intelligence, how she always seemed to have a huge headache, how she tried to blend in, the teal eyed boy Garwin regretted only giving a second's glance all these months later, and more.

He figured he owed it to the girl to find her, since nobody else would. He only hoped it wasn't too late. He stopped briefly to run a finger over the initials SEF, and to remember the girl that now seemed almost like a little sister to Garwin. 

Why had he been jealous? Sophie had so many problems without him tormenting her or using her as a projection of his own issues.

Continuing towards the zoo on foot, Garwin walked into the camp meeting area thirty minutes before the kids would arrive. 

He was just in time to hear one of his fellow counselors, a strict yet compassionate girl named Tracy, exclaim "Yeah, it was really freaky. Those numbers were in no way elementary. I have no idea what they mean!"

Hurrying over to where Kevin and Tracy were huddled over Tracy's phone, Garwin asked, "A coded message? Can I see? I'm pretty decent at decoding stuff."

Tracy shifted to let Garwin see the note and the string of numbers broken up by dashes. He studied it for a moment, then laughed. The numbers that he had found scratched a few feet away from the initials were a message after all. 

The word elementary had given him the clue. Pulling up a picture of the Table of Elements, he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote the numbers, then the letters that corresponded to them from the image on Tracy's phone.

Letting out a laugh, he said, "It's just like the creepy message said. The solution to the problem is ELEMENT-ary. The periodic table of elements."

Kevin scrunched his nose up, and Garwin had to shove away the part of him that awwed about how cute it was in order to focus. "Science?"

"Yeah," Tracy replied. "It's so obvious. Don't know why I didn't see it before!"

The numbers at the zoo read 16 8 15 1 53 99 16 22 13 13 68 99 8 2 53 15 111 18 23 99. When translated loosely, it read SOPHIE'S STILL ALIVE HELP GRAVEYARD.

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