Ninja Nerd

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TW for gun, little fight scene, homophobic Karen but no slurs/cussing because I don't do that.

Percy was royally dead. Monsters, evil gods, titans, even the Party Ponies he could somewhat handle. But this, a mortal with a gun, he couldn't even begin to fight. It had been a somewhat normal day for him and his boyfriends, with Nico and Will using his head as a chin rest a total of five times before lunch.

They were on their way towards a corner of the quad when a tall grandma in a hoodie burst in holding a gun, pointing it wildly. And you see, there was something especially bad about this, because 1) there were a bunch of people, and 2) quite a few of them were the preschoolers that shared a bit of the campus.

Yeah, he wasn't about to let that stand. Of course, Will and Nico were livid too, but their arms wrapped around Percy holding him back. Please, be careful Perce. This isn't a monster we can defeat with our swords.

Nico's shadowy voice calmed Percy's anger into fear. The lady was like one and a half, maybe two Percy's tall, and she had a gun. This could be his last day alive, or he could watch someone die.

Noticing his fear, Will and Nico pulled him into a hug from both sides. The gunwoman said loudly "Schools in America are teaching kids the devil's work! No prayer, and encouraging this crazy rainbow sin! Anybody who spreads the poison, come forward. If you hesitate, I'll shoot someone at random."

Now, the old lady turned the gun towards the preschoolers. Mx. Alverrez stepped forward, as did several other staff members. Will and Nico continued to hold onto him, glaring at the lady who was in front of them.

"Come on, there have to be more who have this curse here!"

Slowly, the crowd seemed to ooze away from anyone who had ever come out, only the closest friends staying with the marked people. Percy's attention caught on a pair of boys who were looking around almost frantically, holding onto each other. They looked a bit like Will and Nico, Percy thought. Wonder if they're demigods or something, hope there's not another monster attack- 


He had to focus on the gunlady, no matter how hurtful her words were. Percy heard a soft noise, only noticeable with demigod hearing.

The library doors. Someone about Percy's height in a silver, silvery-blue and ice-blue hoodie big enough to be a dress walked out, their footsteps light and quiet. The person's face darted up, and then they bolted. Instead of running for the gate, the (girl?) ran straight towards evil grandma.

Percy winced slightly when he thought (she?) was about to hit a pole, then widened his eyes when the person used their momentum and the structure to launch into gun lady and wrap around her like a snake.

The gun was knocked out of the lady's grip as she went down, the teenager on her having been too heavy. Once gun lady was down, the teenager poked a spot on her neck and the curses died down.

"A pressure point?" Will breathed in awe.

The person pulled out a zip tie and tied the lady's hands behind her back, standing up and kicking the gun a little more away.

"The gun was on safety. I took a calculated risk."

Everyone blinked several times, but Percy decided to do something different. He started clapping, loudly. Everyone joined in, and the two boys whose names Percy didn't know tackled the hero.

After the police pulled away, Percy led his boyfriends towards the other trio.

"Hi Percy," the hero said quietly.

"Hi. So, would it be awkward to ask what your name is since you know mine?"

"Not that awkward, since I try not to attract attention. I'm Sophie, genderfluid, and I'm in your advanced Latin class."

"Oh!" Will said, smiling. "You got a really good score, huh?"

The blonde boy said "Yup, Foster's amazing with languages. I'm Keefe, he/him, the emo is Tam, he/they, and I'm the fun boyfriend!"

The newly named Tam waved a hand. "I'm the one who looks after these two."

Percy had a feeling these three would be fun friends, and his feelings were often right.

I did a thing, IDK why I thought this would be a cool story to write.

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