We enrage a Marabbecca

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This is a Percy Jackson oneshot for BonjoBiggles Callista_Eclipse VeeDee1205 and

Lulusurfista. Sorry if the oneshot wasn't exactly what you were thinking.

Percico, and I used a creature I found on Wikipedia that lives in manmade water sources :D

Nico POV:

The next time I saw Aphrodite, I was going to deck her.

Okay, maybe not.

I don't want her to mess with Percy and I even more.

Still, she had sent us to Venice so we could retrieve some old necklace of hers and NOT told us about the freaky giant water serpent that lives in the canals and snacks on questing demigods.

Cut to now, me racing across the canals towards the sea, carrying my short boyfriend despite his arguments in hopes of us being able to disappear into his dad's domain with this necklace.

Percy kept shivering at whatever the creature was hissing at him, and I felt a flash of protectiveness go through me. No way would I let this monster threaten MY boyfriend.

I skidded around a corner only to see that we were cornered. The snake was bigger than I thought it was. Its tail curled around the canal, blocking our path effectively.

"What the heck is this thing?" I yelped, dodging the tip of the gargantuan tail.

A pale Percy rolled away from me, distracting the monster. "It says it's a Marabeka, whatever that is."

My eyes widened as I dodged yet another tail swipe. "A MARABBECCA?"

"Yeah, do you know anything?"

"It's an old water monster used to scare kids away from wells and reservoirs so they don't fall in and drown, but there are a bunch of different versions. Not even wikipedia has concrete information on them!"

I looked into its eyes and froze temporarily. Its glare was icy cold as the giant head shot right at me... GIANT HEAD SHOT AT ME! I was able to dodge the attack for the most part, but my leg has a new gash in it.

Satisfied that I was going nowhere, the monster turned its attention towards Percy.


The Marabbecca snarl-hissed at my boyfriend, who yelled back before settling into a fighting stance. "Okay, I can tolerate a lot of things from you crazy monsters, but you. do. nOT. HURT. MY. BOYFRIEND!"

The water all around us raised, hundreds of tons from the canals coming together into a giant Percy that grabbed the monster, picked it up, and tied it into a knot.

As I treated my leg, Percy made the water crush the snake monster into pieces, scattering the dust and swirling it away into the gunk of the river.

I watched my boyfriend frown at the impurities in the water, then hold his hand up. A large ball of who knows what formed in midair, and my incredible Percy sent it into a nearby sewage drain before collapsing.

Running over, I scooped Percy into my arms and studied him carefully for injuries. Seeing nothing, I resettled the backpack with the necklace in it on my shoulders and walked up a set of stairs to a rooftop.

We could make our way back home later, but for now I was going to recharge and let my boyfriend sleep on my lap. Pulling out a granola bar, I played with the black swoops of hair under my nose.

It was impressive what Percy had been able to do here.

Maybe we should see if we can fight our next great war here. With Percy's water powers and these canals, we'd win EASY.

Wait. I corrected my thoughts.

Fates, please DON'T give us another great war for at least five years, mkay? Preferably never, but you seem to like messing with us.

Looking over the iconic city, I felt at home. The architecture was familiar, a blast from my past, and there were plenty of shadows for me to escape into. 

We were so far from everything that I could forget the wars that I had fought in ever since I got out of that accursed hotel.

It was peaceful being here, in the city that seemed to be made for the two of us, the only things the moon, the cityscape, and us.

Sorry if I botched this one up. I'm not the best at fight scenes, but oh well. I can make a part two that's the gods reacting to this if you want me to.

Weird Oneshot s(Crossovers too)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum