Unexpected Reunion (BH6/KotLC AU)

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A/N: In this story, Sophie is an elf. However, the plotline of the books has changed so that the Neverseen were beaten for the most part, but Sophie had to run away from the elf world to San Fransokyo. The remaining Neverseen goons captured her. 

Hiro POV: It was a normal day in the labs- or at least it was until the hospital called Wasabi. No context, just calm voices asking them to make their way towards the Hope General. Yeah, with what was going on at the moment, calm wasn't possible.

Everyone, and that meant everyone was scrunched up in Wasabi's car, smacking into each other as the car took tight turns. The walk from the parking lot to the lobby was full of nerves- Wasabi was biting his nails, Fred was muttering wildly, GoGo's eye was twitching, and Honey Lemon was attempting to either peel her nail polish off, or rip the nail beneath it out of its place. Either way, they were all visibly nervous.

So, of course Hiro was the one to lead the group up to the front desk, where there was a nurse already waiting for them. "You're here, Mr. Hamada, friends of Mr. Hamada. Right this way, I will explain in just a moment why we called you here."

The nurse led them to a room, knocking on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again- still no answer. Finally, the nurse looked through one of the windows, and immediately facepalmed. "Of course, he's in her room again- why didn't I think of that sooner?"

The nurse was muttering the entire way to a second room, and he didn't even bother to knock on the door when he came to it.

"You have visitors, Hamada."

"Is it Aunt Cass? I don't feel like losing a lung anytime soon."

The nurse laughed, and opened the door fully to reveal someone who physically couldn't have been there. He looked almost the same as he had the day of the fire when Hiro first looked at him. Then, he noticed the scar on the impossibility's collarbone, the mechanical arm, and the hospital-brand t-shirt/ sweatpants combo that didn't match what he had been wearing when he...

"Hey Hiro, Honey Lemon, Go-Go, Wasabi, Fred, Baymax. How's life been?"

Go-Go dashed over to the bedside, whacking Tadashi in the side of his head with a wet sob, before giving him a choking hug and retreating to a corner. Hiro didn't believe it. There was no way, no WAY that this was his brother. How?

"It's a long story, I know you have a million questions, but can I get a hug first?"

That was Hiro's breaking point. He ran right into Tadashi's arms, ending up in the center of a massive group hug in the middle of a hospital room. A groggy groan caused everybody to break apart and look at the bed in the corner of the room.

There was a person wearing an otter onesie there, her hair a faded violet-blonde. She tried to sit up, and Tadashi immediately went over to help her. Hiro watched as the unknown girl smiled blearily at his brother, who returned the gesture after brushing her hair behind her ear.

What was going on? Hiro had so many emotions, he didn't know where to start. First off, his brother who he thought was dead was actually alive, he had a bionic arm now, and he was currently talking in a low whisper to his potential-girlfriend while sitting on the edge of her hospital bed.

Fred decided to be absolutely socially awkward as always, loudly exclaiming "Dude, is that your girlfriend?"

Surprisingly, the girl just laughed. "Yes, I'm dating this goofy nerd. I'm Sophie Foster-Ruwen."

"Nice to meet ya. So, quick question for you two lovebirds- how's this guy alive?" Go-Go asked.

Sophie cringed, then dove right in. "Okay, it's a long story. First off, I have to provide a bit of background. I've been with those creepy eye-guys for maybe 3 years, ever since they captured me. It wasn't too terribly bad there, but they wanted me to make a bunch of sciency stuff. I played the long game, making things that looked authentic but weren't as dangerous as they asked for. They made me test all of my stuff on myself until they threw Dashi practically on top of me."

Tadashi took over telling the story with a smile. "I woke up with this one hovering over me upside down, and I thought I was dead. After she calmed me from the inevitable panic attack, she explained the whole thing with the eye-guys. Other than the various 'battle scars' and my arm, we basically escaped untouched!"

Sophie chuckled, leaning up against Tadashi. "Gods, I'm hungry enough to try one of those wormy things Iggy loved eating."

"Aww, do you have a cute lil' pet?" Honey Lemon asked, a big smile on her face.

"Yup. Iggs was a mutated ferret. Unfortunately, he passed when I was like 16, but he was my best friend."

Honey Lemon looked sad, but she immediately cheered up. "OH MY GOSH, I'M GOING TO GO PLAN A PARTY WITH CASS TO CELEBRATE YOUR RETURN!"

Fred dashed out after her, and Go-Go rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go supervise the idiots."

Wasabi smiled at Tadashi with watery eyes. "Good to have you back, bro. Get some rest, you need it to heal. They're probably going to realise I have the car keys soon, so I'll go before they run in and disturb you two."

Hiro looked between Wasabi and Tadashi, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth and fidgeting with his fingers. He didn't want to come back to find that Tadashi was gone again. Even if he was able to sleep, Hiro was sure he would have nightmares.

Sophie opened one of her arms, looking towards Hiro with a small, sleepy smile. "C'mere, Hiro. There's room for one more on the hospital bed, I think."

Hiro took a minute to think it over, then nodded, walking over to the bed and half-collapsing into Sophie's arms. She pulled him into the gap between her and Hidashi, cocooning Hiro into a warm embrace between them. He was so cosy, within a few minutes he was already half asleep.

Wasabi said goodbye, turning the light down low before leaving the room. Tadashi slid his shoes off, then swung his legs onto the bed. The last thing Hiro remembered before he fell asleep was a hand in his hair and two voices singing a lullaby.


Hiro woke up to the low murmur of voices. He could identify Aunt Cass and Tadashi's, but he didn't hear Sophie's voice. However, he felt her arms around him and a chin on his head.

Opening his eyes, Hiro wiggled experimentally. Yup, Sophie was hugging him. It reminded him of Aunt Cass's hugs, actually, just more gentle. Just as he thought, there was a crowd in the room. Aunt Cass was almost velcroed to Tadashi, tears in her eyes. Hiro waved at her, and then startled when Sophie unwrapped her arms from him.

"Morning, Hiro."

"Were you awake the whole time?"

"Yup. You were tired last night, so I didn't want to move you."

Hiro stood and hugged Aunt Cass. Tadashi wrapped an arm around the two of them, turning it into a hug sandwich. Sophie was left sitting on the hospital bed, watching the scene awkwardly until Aunt Cass pulled her into the embrace. Hiro sighed, a smile on his face as he realised that this was real, and his family was complete again.

I'm sorry, I really don't like this but I posted it anyways. If you read this to the end, I congratulate you.

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