Moonlark Rising

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Sophie shivered nervously, despite the rather cozy purple-blue-black moonlark hoodie she was wearing.Walking down the deserted street, she checked her pocket again for the Obscurer she knew was there. Seeing her destination, she smiled, then jogged around the block and into an alley, then when she was sure not a soul was around, she teleported onto the doorstep of Number 12 Grimmauld Place and waited for someone to let her into the house.


Harry, Ron and Hermione were flopped in various positions around the living room, Hermione with the latest book and Harry beating Ron at chess. Harry almost wished it was tomorrow, so they could go get their books and other school things from Diagon Alley. Or even better, the adults would finally let them join the meetings. They sounded exciting, what with all the shouting recently. Harry just knew they could help.

A loud pop, almost like a barely muffled crack of thunder, roused him from his musings.

"What was that?" Hermione gasped.

"Dunno," Ron said. "Harry, why don't you go check it out? You should stay invisible though, in case it's someone we don't want to meet."

Harry nodded, pulled his invisibility cloak over his head, and crept out onto the landing just in time to see Mrs. Weasley letting a hooded figure through the door into the secret base of The Order of the Phoenix.


Sophie walked into the dark hallway, smiling at the red-haired woman who let her in.

"Hello," she said hesitantly. "I'm Sophie. I hope I'm not late... I had to rescue Grady from the Verminion." Sophie shuddered. The hamsterlike creature didn't like her at all.

"Oh, not at all, dear. I'm Mrs. Weasley." Mrs. Weasley turned and called into the house. "Remus! Sirius! She's here!"

Two men came forward. The one with the black hair introduced himself as Sirius Black, Harry's godfather. The same Harry she had sworn before the council to protect. "I'm Lupin," the other man said. "I'm a werewolf." He looked at her as if he expected her to recoil from him. "I honestly thought you would hate me as soon as I said that. Most wizards really hate werewolves."

Sophie scrunched her eyebrows. "Exactly how much did the Council tell you?"

"The Council, dear?" Mrs. Weasly asked with a look of confusion on her face.

"The people who govern the Lost Cities. You would have spoken to one of them when you asked for assistance," Sophie said patiently.

"You mean," Sirius said quietly, "We asked the head of your entire country for help and the best they could send was a 11 year old girl?"

"Actually, I'm 15." Sophie sighed, exasperated. "And, I'm probably the best they could send. Now, I need to know how much they told you."

Mrs. Weasley wringed her hands, then said in a hushed tone, "They told us you would explain everything we need to know. They gave us a letter with your instructions."

Sophie slitted open the letter that had been handed to her and read the note. It was exactly as she had expected. She was to explain her status, without mentioning the elves, the powers that came from her being the moonlark without explaining how she got them, how she would hide and the other necessities, including the Neverseen. A chill spread down Sophie's spine as she thought of the horrendous wizard criminals she was supposed to protect Harry from. At least they weren't joined with the Neverseen, or her job would be even harder. Shaking off her doubts, she slid the paper back into the envelope.

In a hushed tone, she told the three people who were watching her expectantly, "I'll explain what you need to know. But first, we might want to move to a different room to discourage eavesdroppers." Her eyes flashed to where she was almost absolutely certain one of the kids who were living there was sitting under an invisibility cloak, straining to catch the words of the conversation below.

Whatcha think? Let me know, please. This story is *technically* finished, so if you want it the whole thing can be up pretty soon.


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