A Y/N we can be proud of

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This is a short meant to make fun of the stereotypical Y/N we see way too much.

Inspired after I saw a video making fun of said Y/N.

Enjoy- a gender-unspecified, relatively instertable Y/N with a friend who has an actual personality.

Y/N was annoyed. Like, punch-to-the-face for the next person who spoke annoyed. It was a normal day at their high school- the preppy kids squealing in a corner, the freshmen ducking around the Jocks who shoved each other in the hallway, and the various cliques doing their thing.

Y/N took a deep sniff, then let out a sarcastic sigh. Ah, the lovely smell of cigarettes, old sweaty PE clothes, and Miss Laffman's cheap trashy perfume. Truman High. This place is kinda awful, but whatever.

They were a junior, which meant one more year, and then they could go off to a local University and get a degree. After that, it's going off and trying to get a job for whatever the capitalists were going to throw their way, eking out a living however they could. Fun.

Their parents were helping them out with the funding, but they were already applied to as many scholarships as humanly possible to try to get through somewhere. Problems for future Y/N, they guessed.

Right now, they had to go meet up with their best boo before the crazy lady leapt at them in the middle of the hallway and caused a scene by whacking Y/N over the head.

Finley was sitting up against a wall, already looking in their direction. "Y/N, my best b****! I found this cool song last night, come listen!" She was holding out an earbud, so Y/N slid down the wall and popped it into their ear.

It was a hecking hit. Perfect beat, lyrics on point, and so much better than Taylor Swift. We spent a few minutes after that scrolling through tiktok on my phone and laughing at the reader-insert jokes. Do people like that even exist?

Apparently, the answer is YES. A blonde girl with way too much makeup (looking as if she tried to hide the fact she was wearing it, you can't fool us with that though-) came through the door late, just as the teacher called their name.

A new kid. A new kid named Tiffany, who looked like the Barbie version of Rapunzel trying to be a chic nerd with a stutter.



Y/N knew stutters. Hell, they babysat for Mrs Nat down the road on date nights and had heard her son's stutter a billion times- this was the most exaggerated fake stutter they had ever seen (well ,heard). 

And then, there was the obvious glances she was throwing towards Andrew Griffins as an icing on top of the problem sundae.

He was a jerk, plain and simple. All that ugly in his personality made him ugly too, but apparently this new kid liked what she saw. Fin nudged me, passing a note into my lap.

'God, reader-chick much?"

Y/N knew what they meant. The girl was sitting diagonally behind Griffins, and casting the most moon-eyed face ever at him. This was going to be a hard year not slapping the face off of her if this girl was in all of their classes.


They had frickin jinxed themselves. This girl was in EVERY. GODS. DAM. CLASS. Finley had already 'given away' a pair of earrings to Tiffany because 'they fit my complexion better anyways'. Finley was mad at that, and while she privately admitted to Y/N that she agreed the earrings didn't match her flaming red hair (they were a gift, she explained), Y/N still wanted to slap 'Reader-Chan' so hard her personality would be fixed.

No easy feat, but Y/N was sure they would be up to the task.

Nobody would even turn her in, because even the most boot-licking teacher's pet was D.O.N.E. with Tiffany. The worst part was that 'Reader' always followed them around like a dog of some sort.

At lunch, Y/N was enjoying their cheeseburger when they got pushed to the side, almost dropping their surprisingly good meal. It was Tiffany again, wearing an atrocious magenta dress that broke code in like- five different ways. Who in their right minds would even have NIGHTMARES about that thing?

And then, she pulled out her phone and a cheap speaker, standing on the table as the beginning notes to the one song Y/N never wanted to hear played. She was singing 'Fight Song, complete with foot stamps and yodels.

Seriously, in front of my CHEESEBURGER? Nobody was doing anything, and Y/N didn't want to put up with this for any longer. So, they swallowed the last bite of their burger, stood up, and shoved their crumpled burger wrapper in Tiffany's mouth. Turning off the music, they pulled Tiffany down by her wrist and handed her the speaker.

Tiffany was in some sort of shock, only doing as she was directed. Guess she didn't realize this would happen, huh? A lunch aide had finally looked up from Candy Crush for once, and he came over to take Tiffany to the office.

Sitting back down, I popped open my chocolate pudding and took out a spoon.

Finley was much more excited than they were about the incident, and when Y/N asked what had her in such an excitement, she announced quietly "This was Tiffany's last strike- she's probably being sent to a reform school!"

Wait. We don't have to deal with the witch anymore.


Having done their mini-celebration, Y/N turned back to the more important things so their precious lunch time wouldn't be wasted. Pudding, my only love.

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