Stockholm (law forced)

ابدأ من البداية

"no no no darling don't make that face please please please i didn't hurt them this time hehehe i just, i just *swallow* they listen much better when i threaten your life but i would never do that, you know that right. of course you do, so perfect, so sweet" she lifted my head and kissed my throat. i sqeazed my eyes closed and clenched my jaw. why the fuck did i have to suppress a moan that time. no i refuse to believe it. i will NOT fall into that. she took her hands away and clapped as she held her face looking at me with affection.

"oh you're so cute when you blush hehehe" she then shook her head and walked around me to the back of the post i was chained to. i heard the clank of a few latches and moved to now sit on the floor and rest my back against the post. she always had a pillow by my feet so i could sit on it. she would move it every time as i would sit down to make sure it stayed underneath me, and this time was no exception. however this time when i sat down her hands went up my sides and caresses my chest as i felt her hot breath against my ear.

"there you go darling, nice and comfy for you" she gave me an open mouth kiss just under my ear, i had to suppress another moan but this time she felt my muscles clench.

"*gasp* did you like that my love" i grit my teeth angry with myself as i huffed.

"no, i was adjusting" she took her hands off me and sat quietly behind me. normally she would always call me out on my lies but she didn't.. she didn't say anything. that made me worry. i swallowed as i heard the tap of her footsteps as she walked out from behind me and brought a bowl from the table over to me before she sat down between my legs with hers overtop mine.

"i made a beef stew today, i hope you like it law mhmhm" she brought a spoon full of stew to her lips and lightly blew on it before she brought it to my lips.

"i can cool it down myself y/n" i spoke before i leaned forward and wrapped my lips around the spoon.

"hehehehehe i-i know you can but i want to do it for you so let me do it for you law, how else would i show my love for you my precious darling, besides other things but you don't want me to do them to you and i would do anything for you my love anything anything" she spoke rapidly and fast as she got more excited and started to shake with that crazed look in her eyes.

"then let me out of these chains and let me walk out of here"

"except that" her voice changed in octave startling me before she giggled again.

"you haven't realized your love for me yet, do you love me law" she dralled as she scooted closer to me. there it is, each day she would ask me if i loved her and each day i would say no. to which she always replied with you will. i leaned my head back and closed my eyed getting annoyed with this game.

"no y/n i don't love you" she was quite till i felt her hand on my face moving me to look at her. when i opened my eyes she had this look on her of a puppy, but slightly off.

"are you in love with me law~" again i huffed and rolled my eyes before looking back at her.

"no I'm not" she was still a moment before she smiled so wide as she started to giggle and hold her face.

"you're lying~ i knew it i knew you would realize it sooner or tatter and here you are sure you may still be lying to me but you're in love with me I'm so happy i could scream i knew it i knew it i knew it" i was frozen with wide eyes. I'm lying? no I'm not, im... im..... I'm not, no, no no no no. this cant be it. this cant be it, this isn't happening. she butchered my crew, my friends, she might have killed them for all i know. no no no no, I DO NOT HAVE STOCKHOLM SYNDROME NO. she cupped my face as she kissed all over saying how much she loved me as i was screaming at myself internally.

one piece x reader one shot lemons (take two)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن