Chapter 18

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"......... Until now Seulgi has no knowledge that it was me who sent her letters" said Suzy when she finished explaining the circumstances to the four.

"I understand the reason of you using my name" said Jennie "however, you could have told us so we may be of help"

"Yes, but it would be a risk sister. Especially that Irene's family were eyeing us in the first place" said Jisoo "What's done is done, now we must think how to help them without harming anyone"

"We must do what's necessary, if they harm we harm. That cannot be helped" said Joy.

"I understand, but we are also talking about Mrs Bae, she may be an enemy now but she is still Irene's mother" replied Rosé.

"As long as Seulgi would also be safe, I cannot forgive myself if something happens to her. I placed her on this predicament" said Suzy.

"How much longer until we arrive? I am losing my patience already" said Joy.

"Not far, I just hope that mother has not yet arrived on the said location"

"At last" said Mrs Bae when the carriage stopped and one of her men open the carriage's door. "Where is it?" sge asked when the carriage stopped at the middle of forest.

"We are not there yet madam, the carriage cannot pass through the forest and we do not want them to be alerted by our presence" said by one of her servant.

"Very well then" Mrs Bae started walking with her men through the forest when curiosity visited her mind.

"I forgot to ask since we were in haste a while ago. I must know from whom did you get the location of Irene and that Manobal"

"From a shop owner madam"

"Shop owner? What is his name?"

"I have no knowledge of the name, but one of my men said he owns a masks shop"


"He is located at Ddliem and we saw one of your daughter going at his shop. At first he was persistent but we offered him money and he accepted"

"Well what can I say, money makes the sheep a hungry wolf"

After minutes of walking Mrs Bae and her men found a cabin in the middle of the woods. No one was outside but obviously there are people who lives there, since loads of clothes is visibly seen hanging outside.

Mrs Bae found the place disgusting, how can Irene live on such place. Disgusting, like her daughter's sexuality, she thought. Sure thing you cannot expect anything from a man, but falling inlove with a woman is beyond miserable.

She then saw Seulgi who went outside to pick water from the well. Mrs Bae with her men was hidden in the woods, but they can clearly see Seulgi's face. She then ordered her men to capture Seulgi.

"Kill her if she tries anything" said she.

Her men gathered and tried to capture Seulgi as quiet as possible, but one of them stepped on a twig that made Seulgi glance on where the sound came from.

Shocked and eyes wide open, Seulgi was stunned on what she saw. 'how did they find us?' she thought. Mrs Bae's men ran to her but Seulgi was fa's enough to ran inside the cabin and locked the doors.

"Your mother found us!" Seulgi was catching her breath when she saw Lisa and Irene on the living area sitting.

"What? How?" Lisa peeked through the windows and saw Mrs Bae with a dozen of men sorrounding her.

Irene stood up but was completely blank. She did not know what to do, is this the end? After everything?

"I will talk to her, lock the doors when I get out then both of you cab run on the other side and take the horses with you. There's a river 2 miles from here. After the river go east then you will encounter a small town there-----"

"No!" said Irene.

"Would you rather get caught?" asked Seulgi.

"No, but there must be another way"

"There is no way Irene, face it. And if there is a way, we do not have time to think of one. Now, go!"

"No! I will not let you face my mother again, God knows what she will do, she might kill you!"

"Irene just--- don't make this harder than it is. This is the karma on what I did to you, now let me have it. Lisa take her with you"

"No, I agree with Irene. We cannot let you risk your life for us. We are done running" said Lisa.

"Are you hearing yourselves? Irene, if you do not wish to happen what we had then you must leave now. I am begging you, save yourself with Lisa"

"No! you are selfish and you are dong it again! Running away and always being the good person, I am tired of you Kang Seulgi. Sit down and let me talk to my mother"

Irene went to the door but was stopped by Lisa "I'm coming with you"

"Sit down both of you!"

Seulgi and Lisa sat down since they were kn fear that that might die in an instant due to Irene's gaze.

Irene walked out and was faced by her mother who was fuming mad.

"Is this way you do now? I did not raise you to be lady who lives with two women who are completely not a friend!"

"That is far from true mother, fear not, unlike you I did not engage on sexual acts like what you did to my father's friend" remarked Irene.

Some of Mrs Bae's men snorted and tried not to react on what they heard. Meanwhile, Mrs Bae was stunned to speak.

"Good thing I did not learn anything from you. At least I am inlove with a woman and would not get pregnant and have an illegitimate child" Irene added. "Shall I go on?, Well I would rather be a good wife, and raise kids on a household where my husband cannot even stand being near me. Well what can I say, aubergines sure are great"

"Enough! I has enough of this disrespect"

"Respect is earned, mother"

"Enough of this nonsense, you have no choice Irene but to surrender. My dear daughter, you know I love you please apologise and come home already, and we will forget all of this"

"Really?" asked Irene.

"Yes dear"

"Hah, I would rather not. You never told me you were a jester mother"

Mrs Bae was mad since when did Irene talk like this? This is not her, she thought.

"You left me no choice Irene. Get her and Ms Manobal" she ordered her men.

They nodded and captured Irene while some of them tried opening the door on the cabin.

"And by the way...... kill that Kang Seulgi"

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