Chapter 16

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The Kim's Mansion

Jisoo and Jennie was anxious when they heard the news that Mrs. Bae found out where Lisa and Irene was hiding. Their properties were examined without their knowledge, afterall, Manobal's and Bae's are influential families. Nevertheless, they can never touch the Kim family.

Worried sick, the sisters cannot do anything to aid their friends, they knew they were being watched. Although the news reached them, they have on knowledge on how Irene and Lisa managed to escaped was there someone who helped them.

"We cannot just sit around and wait for some news" said Jennie "I will kill them with my bare hands if they ever lay a hand on my girls"

"I understand your frustration sister, but if we do something we might put them at risk. I'm afraid all we can do for now is wait" replied Jisoo.

"Wait?! God forbid! I am scared of the news that will come next" said Jennie whole pacing around her room "We must atleast think of some plan"

"What would that be?"

"I am thinking...."

"First we must know how they managed to escape, if someone helped them then it means that we have an ally outside"

"But who could that be? The Park's are also being watched, surely it is not them"

"I agree. Do you remember the night we warned them?" Jennie nodded and Jisoo continued "Someone sent us an anonymous tip, that someone might be the ally"

Jennie stopped from pacing and stared at her sister "You are right, but I cannot think of someone at the moment"

"Wait a minute"

"Who sister? Tell me?"

"She is the only person who can play on both sides. Someone who cares, someone who is willing to take a risk"

"Cut the chase!"

"Suzy" whispered Jisoo.

"Yes, that slipped my mind" said Jennie "But how can we reach Suzy? I am certain her mother also suspects her"

"Possibly, but Suzy is clever and knows how to read between the lines. The problem is how we can reach her without being seen. It might put her in danger if we would be seen with her"

"But, if that is the case sister. If Suzy really helped them. How? I mean, how did she rescue them without being suspected? Is it posibble that she had other help?"

Jisoo nodded "Now we have to find out who could that be. That person will be our medium, someone who will act as our messenger"

The Park's Mansion

The Park family was having their lunch peacefully, unbothered by the scandals ongoing around them.

"Roseanne" said Mr. Park after chewing the piece of meat in his mouth "I heard you were acquainted with that lady" he chuckled "My apologies, how dare I call her lady. She does not possess the values"

Rosé firmly gripped her knife while cutting the beef on her plate.

"I heard you were acquainted with that woman who carried a contagious disease. 'A plague like diseas', I quote Mrs Bae for that" He chuckled again.

Rosé remained silent ignoring her father

"Answer me child!"

"That lady has a name father, and it is Lisa" said Rosé and glared at his father.

"Not that I care. So you were acquainted? Well I am glad you did not acquire such disease, it would be an embarrassment. I cannot blame Mrs. Bae for wanting her child to enter that conversion therapy"

"Care to explain how that would be an embarrassment?" said Joy in a calm manner.

"Well, that would only mean that the parents failed to teach their child manners. Can you fathom engaging on someone with the same sexuality?"

"Well, that is not the only reason of being a failure parent right?" asked Joy.

"Do you have other reasons in mind?"

"A ton actually" said Joy and wiped her mouth using the table napkin "One example is... Infedility, I guess my grandparents failed to raise you as a child"

"How dare you say that to your father!"

"How dare you talk about manners" joy said calmly "You have no right to raise your voice on me nor insult my sister's choice of friends. They were there to aid us when it should be both your responsibilities" she then glanced at her mother "I still cannot understand how could you tolerate this man"

Joy stood up and grabbed Rose's hand to follow her.

"But my bagel---"

Joy and Rosé found themselves at the garden, sitting beside the pond. Rosé amused herself by watching the fishes swim away everytime she touches the water.

"I appreciate your actions sister, but I am in need of no help" said Rose breaking the silence between them.

"A filthy man has no right to distinguish what's disgusting or not"

"I agree, but what you have done will anger him. You are well aware of his behavior when he is mad"

"I am trying to protect you, I do not want to see you hurt by those words"

"Well it is upsetting, but what can I do? I have acquired the disease even way before Lisa came here"

"We hate what we cannot comprehend" said Joy remembering the time when they had a tea with the Kim's and Bae's "I do not understand but I do not hate, I am giving a space on my mind that someday I will understand, but the matter that I prioritize now is your happiness"

Rosé was touched by the words that came firm her sister, she would always confide with her sister. She was the only one she has ever since they were kids, so she depended on her until now.

"Unfortunately, happiness is not all it is. We seek for happiness even if it would hurt somebody. What I seek is a peace of mind and silence, even if I need to silence the screaming pain of my heart"

Joy hugged her sister when she heard those words, she knows she cannot comfort a beating heart that seeks warmth. This is what she loathes the most, knowing the problem but not having the capability to do something.

Rosé looked at her sister "We have to help them" said she.

"We cannot, and I cannot let you do that"

"Why? We are their friends too, and I am pretty sure the Kim's are planning something"

"I know and I would never forget our friendship. But we do not have the means to help them, in addition we are being watched by Mrs. Bae"

"I know, but we will find a way" said Rosé persistently.

"Enlighten me again, what did you see in that Lisa"

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