Stevie gave my leash another light tug and I decided I had no choice but to follow it until I was slowly crawling all the way out of my cage and moving to kneel with my head bowed although my eyes were stuck on the Batons hung at the guards sides above me.

The Slave turned to the two men, "Do you mind giving us some space a second?"

The men looked disgruntled but they did leave and I relaxed slightly, Stevie was skinner than me. If I wanted to I could probably over power him. Right now I didn't.

"Good now let's take a look at this harness hum?"

I stayed still as Stevie bent around and looked at my shackled torso which all linked up to a suffocating collar around my neck.

Stevie didn't touch me, but he glided his finger around the metal confines that hugged my body.

"How long have you had these on?"

"S-since my last mistress."

Stevie nodded and took a look at my back, which was curved submissively from the harness being too small. It itched and stung but was locked tight. No one had the key and no one cared to cut it off.

"Okay I have pliers but this doesn't look like something I can remove now I'm sorry. It's badly bedded into your skin. I don't want to risk hurting you more."

A tear gathered and rolled from my eye, I nodded and Stevie sighed, "Has it been taken off for cleaning at all?"

I shook my head and felt the collar scratch some more, thinking about them always made me hurt.

"Not even for showers?"

Once again I shook my head, No.

Stevie stood up then and I listened to the click as he took some pictures of me. I couldn't imagine the state I looked. A second later his phone rang and he picked it up.

"Master." Stevie bowed his head, despite no one being able to see him. "Did you get my pictures? It's worse in person... the bars have cut into the skin... No I can't remove them... it would be too painful... honestly I'm not even sure you could keep him calm through it.... Okay I'll take him there. We should be back tomorrow then."

My ears perked up. Where was he taking me? Back tomorrow where? What did his master say?

"Goodbye master." Stephen hung up the phone and sighed. Stevie pulled out a needle and I froze, my body getting ready to fight.

"I'm guessing if I came near you with this you'd bite me hm?"

"I'd certainly try." I grumbled, a fire lighting in my eyes. It's not even that I didn't like needles. I just didn't like what people did to me once I had been drugged up. Even if I wanted him to sedate me he wouldn't be able to get close. I'd probably try to kill him first.

"This is the only way I can transport you I'm afraid Ant."

"I won't hurt you if you keep me awake."

"You can't guarantee that."

I ground my jaw. He was right, I was reactive from my trauma. It was surprising he'd been so close and I hadn't attacked him already.

My Ant and Dec One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now