☁️🕷❤️Peter's Bratty Ways: 101❤️🔭☁️

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Hello everyone <3

Welcome back to some MCU Littlespace!

Todays Oneshot was requested by~ @Skelliesinmycloset !


Little: Peter Parker
CG: Tony Stark


Peter in LittleSpace.. could be quite a brat-
Now you might be thinking, "Isn't that a little harsh?"

However it was nothing but the truth.
Little Peter was spoiled rotten by Tony. The man of Iron couldn't resist when Peter did his little pouts.
But with being spoiled came Peter breaking tons of rules.

Like for instance, the "Wall Crawling Incident"


Peter giggled through a pacifier though his lips. Tony was gone making him a snack, so now was the perfect time to cause some mischief!
Peter stood up wobbly on his legs then took a deep breath, "One.. too.." he jumped on the wall, "FREEE!!"

His hands were on the wall and so were his feet. He gasped at how his powers still worked even when regressed, it was so cool!
Sometimes Bruce's abilities wouldn't work when he was regressed so he though he'd be the same. However, now was his chance to be Spider Man again! Or as Tony calls him, Spidey Boy!

Peter started crawling around the walls of the room like there was no tomorrow.
"Wooooo!! Hehehe!"
He went to the roof of the room and started hanging upside down. His fluffy, curly bangs flowing in the air.

"Peter I'm back with the- WOAH?!"
Tony's eyes widened at the sight before him. "Peter how the h-, ugh.. heck did you get up there?!"

"I Spwidey Boy!!!"
He giggled, "Wook Pwapa! Nwo handssssss!!"
Peter released his hands from off the roof and waved them around. "Hahaha!! AHHH-"


Tony rushed down to where Peter was and caught him, the impact brought them both to the floor.
Peter was not hurt in the least, but Tony? He was gonna have a few marks.

"Haha!! Agwain! Again!!"
Peter clapped happily. But his happy expression came cut short when he saw how serious Tony was.

"Peter, what is rule 2?"

"I no 'member."
He stuck out his tongue at the billionaire. Tony held his tongue to try his best not to laugh, he couldn't help that Peter was acting so cute. And he couldn't be mad at the boy, Peter has Tony wrapped around his Spidey fingers. But DANGIT he was going to try his best to get through to the regressed boy!

"I'll remind you then. It's no climbing walls while regressed. That's one strike you just got, little man."
Tony's expression was serious and as hard as stone. But Peter, he didn't have one care in the world.

"Nooooo stwike! I gwood boy! Petey get nwo stwikes." He crossed his arms with a huff.

Tony rolled his eyes then picked up Peter, a laugh finally leaving from him.
"What am I going to do with you? Little gremlin."


Or maybe the "Feeding Time" incident?

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