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Welcome back everyone ! <3

Todays Oneshot was requested by~
@kittymasterofall14 !

Thank you for requesting and I hope you all enjoy

CG: Tony Stark
Little: Peter Parker



9:30 PM

It was time for nightly patrol. Ever since Peter's internship at Stark Industry, Tony made sure that Peter and him go on patrols together. And until he felt like Peter could go on his own, he would allow him too. But he wanted to see what the kid was capable of and what he could do!
Tony was starting to warm up to him already though and Peter could tell.

He was probably so close to getting able to patrol on his own!

But he thinks he might ruin his chances.
Why? Because he's feeling sick.

Peter's been feeling sick all day, he's been in his room all day! He occasionally went out of the room to get some food or talk to the others, but he could hardly even muster up energy to do that!
He knew it was soon time for patrol.. what would Tony say? Would he think less of him? Would he not believe he was feeling sick? The possibilities to Peter were endless..

So here he was, laying in bed, no suit, bed hair.. all you could hear in the room was his heavy breathing.

*Knock Knock*

"Cmon Underoo's, time to go."
Tony semi-shouted from beyond the door. Peter bolted up, which was a bad idea.
He started to have a small bit of a coughing fit, "O-okay! *cough cough* Almost ready..!"

Peter started to fumble around in his room. Who knew putting on a super suit could take such a long time??
"Jeez kid, you don't sound so good. You alright?"

Peter cleared his throat the best he could, every time he tried it made his throat feel so sore..
"Nope! I'm all good! It's probably just allergies. *Cough Cough* I'm almost done."

"I don't think allergies can make you cough, Peter. By the way what allergies do you even have?"


Now Tony and Peter were face to face.
Peter simply responded, already going for the door. "See? I'm fine."

Tony stared at him for a minute. He had the expression that screamed "You gotta be kidding me."
He rolled his eyes, "Alright. Time to go then, we got until 11:45 tonight, that okay with you?"

Peter nodded, "Of course, Mr. Stark."


Peter and Tony ended up just patrolling on top of STARK tower, Tony insisted in doing so. Peter wasn't too happy with this choice though, but he didn't complain much.

They both were sitting on the edge of the tower, the view of New York City was absolutely amazing.. the lights, the cars honking, the people all made the state so special.

Tony broke the silence with a chuckle,
"But seriously kid what allergies were you talking about?" He laughed, "You didn't mention any on your résumé."

Peter coughed again, "Well, they're just seasonal..? It doesn't happen often."

"Peter, it's summer. We're in July."
He said with a raised eyebrow and a cocky smile.

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