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I hope you all enjoy <3

CG: Thor Odinson

Little: Y/N


"Y/N!! Get back here right now!"
Thor's voice boomed. His voice was so loud the whole building could probably hear him! You were used to Thor's loud voice however, he was your caregiver for quite some time after all.
None the less, you were still making big efforts to run away from him right now.

You had really messed up this time..
You decided to draw on Mjollnir with black sharpie!! You wrote squiggly lines, smiley faces, and even an attempt of doing and Iron Man logo, and Loki's helmet.
(Hence their requests!)

"Nuh uh! Cwant catch mweeee!!"
You giggled, you ran to your room and hid under the covers. That was your go to spot, and full proof spot! None one could ever find you in here!

Or so is what your regressed mind thought-
Because almost instantly Thor found you, and he didn't look really happy..

Thor grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, you started to hit his back a little in a fit of anger.
" 'Et me downnn!!"

"No Y/N. We have rules, and you broke one of them. You aren't to touch Mjollnir without my supervision, much less draw all over it!"
You haven't heard Thor this angry in awhile.. it kinda made you scared, but not really, because you knew he was still just a huge teddybear. But right now he is like a mean grumpy teddybear.
"Iwt wasn't mwy idea.. it was Unca' Tony and Woki's.."
You grumbled, but Thor shushed you.

"No, Y/N. We don't blame our behavior onto other people, that isn't nice."

He sat you down on the couch.
"Now.. Y/N."
Be sighed, "You're really forcing me to do something I really don't want to do.. but you've left me no choice. So therefore,"


"I'm sending you to the timeout corner."

You were about to complain and object, but your regressed mind was confused.
Thor never did this before? Usually for a punishment he just takes something away like sweets.

"What that?"

You asked genuinely.

"It is something my mother used to do to me, unfortunately it didn't teach my anything as a child like my mom said it would."
He said that almost like it was a brag. It made you giggle a bit.

"So uh, you will spend 5 minutes in the corner."
He picked you up again, and placed you in the corner of the living room. You sat there, and he just watched you as he started to sit down as well.

"Now wut?"
You ask.

"To be fair, I'm not quite sure little one. I haven't had to go in the time out corner in a long time."



"I think you're supposed to just sit here, and uh.. think about what you've done! Ah-ha! That's it."
Thor placed his hands on his hips proudly, you just sat there, still semi-confused.

"Otay! Cwan I have my toys pwease, papa?"

"No little one, that is part of the punishment. No toys, no TV, nothing."

"Oh.. Otay."

...This was infact, very boring.

You began to whine and rock yourself back and forth, Thor just watched you. He didn't know what to do next, lecture you? Let you say your thoughts about it? Or just let you off the hook. All of them seemed good to him.

"So.. Y/N."

He went down to your level, now you two were face to face.
"What made you want to write on my hammer? You know how important that is to bubby."

"I swaid Unca' Tony and Woki twold me too!!"

"..Is that so, little one?"
Thor asked questioningly. You nodded furiously, "Mhm!! When bubby was gwone, and they watch mwe, we wanted to pway and they swaid it be swilly if I write on chu hammer.."

You started to realize that your actions were wrong despite you being convinced by your uncles, it made you sigh.
"I'm sowwy bubby.."

"Oh darling, it's okay.."
Thor brought you out of timeout and brought yours back to his chest.. he smelt so nice and welcoming.

"I appreciate you telling the truth, thank you for your honesty."


He brought you out of his chest,
"Now how about we get those meanies back, aye? Me and you, Team Y/N and Bubby?"

You're eyes started to sparkle with joy,

~A few Days later~


"THOR!! Y/N!!"

Loki and Tony boomed through the door and attempted to find the two. You guys were on the couch watching a movie,
You both were shocked by their sudden appearance.

"Brother you best explain this, cause I can't find my helmet ANYWHERE!"

"And I can't find my mask, dammit Thor you know how important this stuff is!"

Thor cleared his throat,
"First off, you swore. Second, Y/N wanted to make some rearrangements to yours guy's gear? Why don't you show them, my darling?"

You giggled, and pushed the things over next to Thor.

Thor lifted both of the missing items up and both. Loki and Tony. Were Shocked.

For one Loki's helmet was covered in your stickers, squiggles, and a whole lot of glitter.

As for Tony his mask was covered in paint and stickers, mainly your collection of Hello Kitty ones Thor got you a couple weeks ago.




I hope y'all enjoyed! <3

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