3 | The Vanishing Of Will Byers

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, so much..." he visably blush as he began driving off,

"Its nothing" she said smugly looking down...

when they got to her trailer she made him stay in his car as she ran up the steps and straight to her room, not bothering to knock... which she should of.

"Oh my god! that is so gross!" she gagged stepping out and slamming the door behind her.

"Mia! what the fuck!!" Stiles voice rang through the trailer, she heard the sheets ruffle and suddenly he poked his head through the door, his body wrapped in a duvet. "Why didn't you knock!"

"I didn't think you'd be here! especially doing that!!" she groaned, not keeping eye contact,

He sighed "What did you want?"

"My camera, could you put on a pair of gloves and grab it for me? its in the bag under my bed" she mumbled,

"You want the whole thing or just the camera?"

"whole thing... please" he quickly nodded and shut the door, a bunch of noises came from inside before he was back, the bag in his hands, which were both wrapped in t-shirts,

"Next best thing to gloves" he shrugged, pulling them off "is that it? can you go now?"

"Yeah... just please don't fuck on my bed" She sighed, going to walk away

"Yeah bit late for that..." He said lowly with the door slamming following after, she couldn't help but run out to the car, throwing herself in and doing a weird dance with her hands,

"What happened? y-you ok?" Jonathan asked, Genuine worry in his voice,

She shook her head no " Stiles has been fucking on my bed, and I didn't knock so I ended up in the room and saw them doing it and I think I'm going to be scared for life now, oh my god!!"

"Hey," he tried holding a laugh down "it not the end of the world" 

"On my bed Joanthan, My brother did a girl on my bed, its gross!"

"Well i mean... your room is pretty small," he shrugged,

"Are you backing him up!" She shoved his shoulder, making his other side hit the door,

"N-no! no not at all, no... uh..." he looked around awkwardly for a second "Look, you'll hate it b-but you can stay and mine again, i-if it would make you feel better"

"...I was coming to your place to hang out with Will, since he asked so nicely-"

"when did he ask you to come over?"

"Last night, he called me over the radio," she chuckled,

Jonathan smacked his hand to his forehead "That kid man..."

"Yeah hes awesome! Anyway I will gladly take up your offer, I'll sleep on the couch. And I'm staying until he washes well, everything, all the way down to the bed frame"

he laughed, and nodded "I'll take the couch, y-you take the bed" he quickly decided to change the subject, "So, the camera.."

"Oh yeah, its in here," she tapped the top of the bag "It's got extra lens glass, tripod, you know all the good stuff... and its all crammed into this tiny bag" she smiled over,

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