𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. Nice

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Juniper tactfully ignores the suspicious looks Sirius keeps sending her way. Her head is bowed low over her homework and her hand races across the parchment, filling up lengths of it with pure bullshit. Herbology was more of a hit or miss for Juniper—in which she mostly missed, unsurprisingly.

However, ignoring Sirius wouldn't be effective for too long. He had a looming presence over her, one that demanded attention. And the way he kept drumming his fingers against the table was driving her crazy. She was bound to reach her limit of tolerance soon enough.

Juniper had not expected to have to talk to Sirius ever again, and since first year, both of them had changed drastically. Sirius was more enigmatic than ever, his personality getting increasingly complex as the years went by. Layers of supressed emotion coated his heart, adding to his flamboyance. And Juniper was emptier than ever, feeling next to nothing. They were just two ghosts hovering over the friendship that used to be.

"That is a ghastly drawing." Sirius comments, staring at her sketch of a Chinese Chomping Cabbage in disgust.

Juniper feels slightly hurt, "As if you could do any better."

"As a matter of fact, I can." He declares, snatching away her drawing and pencil. "I was always the better artist."

"Sure." Juniper drawls, watching him lazily as he adds on to her drawing.

"Merlin, how did you even pass with this utter shit?" Sirius mutters, erasing nearly all of her Chinese Chomping Cabbage ruthlessly.

"Naveen drew all the diagrams for me." She admits in a low voice, put off by the fact that he was indeed doing a better job at the drawing than her.

Sirius looks up at the mention of Naveen in curiosity, "Where is Shafiq, anyway? I've never seen you two a second apart."

"He's trying to drown himself in the lake." Juniper deadpans, looking around the library once again. Maybe if Naveen would hurry up she wouldn't have to talk to Sirius anymore. As much as she was jealous of him, Juniper knew that the friendship between herself and Sirius would never be resurrected.

"You don't seem too worried about him." Sirius raises his perfectly arched eyebrows.

Juniper shrugs nonchalantly. "The Squid won't let him drown―it loves Naveen too much." 

"The Squid? As in the Giant Squid?" He looks stunned at the revelation, and also a little fascinated. "You lot are friends with the Giant Squid?"

"I wouldn't say friends," Juniper corrects, her tone a little bitter. "It prefers the Ravenclaws."

"Squid's got good taste." Sirius snorts haughtily, "I wouldn't go near a Slytherin if I could help it."

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