PROLOGUE ━━ instances in time

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🥀 WRECK 🥀PROLOGUE: Instances In Time

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PROLOGUE: Instances In Time

There are instances in time when Juniper Coldwell wishes she was like Sirius Black.

They were friends once . . . sort of . . . not really ━ they were almost friends. But that was a time before the war and Hogwarts. They had been lonely children of broken households drawn together in hopes of finding solace within one another.

They hardly ever spoke, hardly ever played. Their meetings were short and echoed with silence, filled with silent tears and hundred yard stares, but at least they weren't alone. Those Pureblood banquets and dinners were notoriously grim; fathers with their cold gazes and harsh hands, mothers wearing cunning snarls of displeasure and quiet children trying their hardest to not be bothersome, wishing they were anywhere but there.

It was during these banquets that Juniper's corset felt to restrictive and her heels too high ━ for an eleven year old, she had been introduced to claustrophobia since the birth of time. And during those dinners, the bow-tie around Sirius' neck felt like a metal cuff choking his windpipe. During those damned banquets and balls, Juniper and Sirius found each other.

It was all rather short-lived.

No matter how similar their experiences were, Juniper and Sirius were as different as the night was from day. Juniper's bones were black and the blood in her veins was ancient, she was conceived for tragedy. It was all she had ever known, and it was all she had wanted to know. Juniper had heard the story of Pandora's box one too many times to crave the consequences of unchecked curiosity. Juniper's destiny was written in the stars, her fate already sealed ━ It had been decided for her since the moment of her birth.

But Sirius ━ he was born a free spirit, an impatient bird spreading it's wings to take flight. He was not made to be locked up in a cage, he was meant to taste the sweet nuance of freedom. Sirius was not afraid to open Pandora's box; he had never been one to sit obediently and follow orders. Sirius was spindled from the lace of chaos and revolution, born to defy. Born to run. His destiny was yet to be set in stone and he held it in the clutches of his own bruised hands. Sirius was like running water; unpredictable, untameable, free . . .

        . . . and he was everything Juniper wasn't.

Sometimes, Juniper secretly watches Sirius and his friends as they wreak havoc in the corridors of Hogwarts without a care in world. In those moments she catches a glimpse of the old Sirius she knew, the one who was desperate for freedom and with a razor sharp tongue that voiced opinions she would never dare narrate out loud. Juniper noted the difference in him now; that broken and hopeful boy lived no more, for he had already found what he had hoped to find.

There are instances in time when she ponders the possibility of a different reality. A reality in which Juniper and Sirius were still friends, and Juniper was free. A different time where her back was not burdened by her family name, and her soul wasn't blackened by the ancient power which had been thrusted upon her. She dreamt of a life where she was just Juniper ━ not the perfect daughter, not next in line to be a coldblooded sorceress. Just Juniper who read Jane Austen and listened to muggle music. Juniper who wore yellow dungarees and had paint-stained fingers  . . . Juniper who wasn't afraid to live.

She'd watch Sirius and his friend run through the grounds with laughs full of butterflies and happiness, their souls as golden and precious as the sun. But as she watched the golden light of the sun hit their euphoric faces and touch their souls, Juniper would realise that it was all just a foolish dream. No amount of sunlight could warm her frigid heart.

The fates told a different story about Juniper ━ a much more darker one than Sirius'. Their paths were different. Hoping was futile for Juniper, she did not dare touch that flame which bared the agony of desire. She knew what she was here for ━ Juniper's ancestry had made that very clear.

The Coldwell line forged one dark being after another, their souls even more corrupt than the last. The Coldwell's were something sinister, their hearts dark as onyx and smiles crueller than the Devil. It was more than expected for Juniper to follow her lineage without question, for she should be proud of her ruinous ancestors who had plagued humanity for centuries!

But regimes fall everyday, and Juniper will stand silent no longer. There is ancient magic nestled in her heart, and it'll take more than a couple of dead ancestors to quell her thirst for freedom.

a/n: and so it begins . . . 

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