𝖎𝖛. Laugh

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🥀 WRECK 🥀FOUR: Laugh

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FOUR: Laugh

Juniper sits on her bed idly, watching her dormmates fumble around the room hurriedly. The Seventh Year girls Slytherin dorm was a mess on November third every year. It was Sirius Black's birthday—the event was more exclusive than the Yule Ball, if that were to take place. And unlike most of the parties thrown by the Marauders, the invitations were open to everyone this time. Even Slytherins.

"Have you seen my pink bra?" Diana Greengrass shouts to the dorm entirely. Her blonde curls are perfect with not a single strand out of place, and Juniper knew for a fact that this perfection was natural for Diana Greengrass.

"Wasn't it in the washing?" Juniper supplies, watching as Diana practically stomped over to the laundry hamper. "I don't understand why you're worrying so much. You all look beautiful."

"We need to look more than beautiful, June!" Squeals Hyacinth Lestrange, admiring her blue minidress in the mirror. "We need to look ethereal. This is the only proper party we're invited to."

"That's not true," Juniper accuses with a sly smile. "What about—?"

"Slughorn's stupid Slug Club parties don't count." Diana snaps annoyedly, but then looks at Juniper apologetically. "Sorry, love. Why don't you join us this year? Get yourself a boyfriend or something — Merlin knows we've got the rest of our lives mapped out already."

Hyacinth turns around sharply, staring at Diana in astonishment. "Your parent's already chose a suitor?"

Diana sits down in front of her vanity and smiles. It's forced, Juniper can tell by the dead look in her eyes. "Not yet. But it's my last year, I know they've finalised someone. I won't be surprised if it's that troll Mulciber."

Juniper flinches at the thought of marrying Mulciber. She feels rather sorry for her dormmate, and possible friend. Diana and Hyacinth are the only Slytherin girls who make an effort to be nice. Sure, they lack a little in the academics department, but they were kind and sweet. And definitely did not deserve the likes of Mulciber.

"Imagine the babies you'll have together," Hyacinth whispers in horror. "That's going to be one ugly baby if I've ever seen one — Mulciber's face is like someone cut a face in a pumpkin. What are those called again, June?"

"Jack-o-lantern." Juniper replies instantly.

Diana looks like she's about to burst into tears.

"Hurry up, then. Don't want to be late, right?" Juniper exclaims in a bubbly voice that sounds foreign on her voice. But she puts on the façade for Diana, who very much needed this party as her last chance of being a teenager. And then it was married life for her.

Diana nods to herself in the mirror encouragingly and gets up, giving Juniper a twirl of her sparkly pink two-piece.  "Take a picture of us, will you?"

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