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Laying in the hospital I stay silent staring out the window. It's been 4 days and I get discharged today. I haven't said a word and it took a lot of convincing on Dante and Hailey's part to assure the doctor I haven't went insane. Carter took Hailey home two days ago.

I wanted to say goodbye but I couldn't speak. I feel so numb so empty and I hate it. Dante and ace have been by my side. Ace washes me up in the bed and Dante brushes my hair. Even Devi brings breakfast every morning and dinner every night and sits for awhile never really saying much. He's an odd man and honestly I don't have it in me to figure him out right now.

Light brushes of finger tips brush my tangled messy hair out of my face as ace looks me in my eyes.

"Baby.. the doctor is discharging you right now we have to get you dressed." He speaks softly and I just look up at him and sit up. I see the hurt flash against his face but he quickly covers it.

They have been trying to get me to talk since I woke up but I just can't. When my mother died I went silent for months. Many therapy sessions and a lady who just wouldn't give up finally got me to talk again. My first words were me telling her how much I hate everything and just want my mom followed by a meltdown.

This time is different. I have nobody to blame for my baby girl death but myself. I should've felt her... I should've known. I will never forgive myself. I can't.

Ace and Dante get me dressed in my sweats and a warm hoodie that faintly smells like ace. Devi walks in holding car keys giving me a once over. In exchange I just look down at my cast letting my mind stay in its dark place.

"She needs to be under watch" the doctor whispers to Dante.

"Don't talk about her like she's crazy.. she's hurting she won't do anything " ace rough voice says to the doctor.

"I'm just saying that-"

"Doctor if that's all we'll take the girl and her paper work and be on our way" Devi finally speaks up shocking me a bit but I keep my head down.

I feel strong arms pick me up smelling Dante scent of mint and old spice I lay my head on his shoulder as the four of us leave this god awful room.

Ace gets me signed out and handles the bill as Dante puts me into the car cupping my cheek.

"Little dove... please talk to me baby" he pleads softly looking me in the eyes. I feel a soft tear slip down my cheek as he swipes it away with his thumb. Nodding to himself he kisses my forehead before shutting my door. Laying my head against the window and closing my eyes I hear three pairs of doors open alerting me that all three brothers are in the car.

It's a long silent awkward drive back and before I know it I'm in bed with a warm bowl of fresh chicken soup while ace runs me a hot bath. Not wanting to be a burden anymore to Hailey and Carter when the guys asked if they could take care of me I silently agreed. I'm still mad at them. So freaking mad.

At this time though I think them being around is helping me not break. Even Devi.. which is weird I barely know the guy and I should be scared shitless but he brings a calming presence. At least to me.

Dante feeds me soup slowly and I take it grateful to be out of that awful fucking place. When ace announced the bath is ready for the first time in a few days I force my legs to work themselves. Slightly weak and shakey I use the wall for support. Feeling Dante close behind I make it to the bathroom slowly stripping myself until I'm laid bare infront of the both of them. I avoid myself in the mirror which causes ace to catch my unbroken wrist.

He pulls me softly against him my back to his from tilting my head up to the mirror. I'm met with my skin pale my hair all over the place and the dried tears around my eyes and cheeks.

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