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Emily is straightening my curly mess of hair as I apply makeup with Carter laying on the bed picking out jewelry to match my dress. "This is crazy right? Going on a date with two men.. brothers at that it's crazy right ?"

I ask ems as she smiles shaking her head "girly it's 2022 all types of relationships are out there as long as you are happy and they are nice to you to hell with what everyone thinks." Emily has always had a strong opinion she took what she wanted and didn't care what anybody had to say about it so Imagine my confusion when she refuse to go after Carter I swear those two are so oblivious it made my head hurt.

"She's right Lala they are super chill and you already feel comfortable around them just follow your mind and heart and everything will be okay" he smiled at me through the mirror.

Once done with hair and makeup I pull the dress Dante picked out from the bag it was black and stopped about mid thigh the neck line was low which mean I couldn't wear a bra. I slide into the closet sliding the dress over my body it was snugged but comfortable and hugged my hips and ass perfectly Dante had taste.

I slowly pulled on the nude 5 inch pumps and walked out doing a twirl " what do we think" Carter jaw dropped as he gave me a lopsided grin " marry me Lala have my children " he tease as ems smacked my ass playfully. "I think our little Lala is going to get very lucky tonight " she wiggled her eyebrows as i blushed I barely knew ace and Dante but for some reason having sex with them didn't scare me it excited the fuck out of me and had me pressing my thighs together.

I grabbed my jacket and bag and blew a kiss at my best friends before walking out " don't wait up love birds !" I slowly made my way down the stairs seeing Dante and ace both waiting for me in a deep conversation.

My eyes raked over their entire bodies ace was wearing black jeans with a red button up silk shirt that he left untucked his hair was wild and messy giving him a sexy but laid back look and he had simple combat boots on and two sliver chains hanging from the belt loops of jeans.

Dante was wearing black dress pants with a navy blue silk dress shirt only it was tucked in and the two top buttons was undone, I had to swipe my mouth making sure no drool had left my mouth he had on some black dress shoes and his hair was gel back giving him a well put together look. I finally cleared my throat after permanently engraving them looking so hot into my spank bank as I smile softly " the dress is beautiful Dante thank you."

They both looked at me silently up and down ace bite down on his lip as he leaned against the wall and Dante looked like he was ready to rip the dress from my body.

I shifted my heels slightly rubbing my thighs to release the pressure when ace finally spoke up " you look good enough to eat darling " I blushed harder walking closer to them with a soft smile " you gentlemen don't look so bad yourself." Dante narrowed his eyes at me before he pushed my hair behind my ear tilting my chin up to meet his gaze " you look breathtaking little dove " I swooned at his words as I hooked my arm with his reaching my hand out for ace "shall we gentlemen ?."

After the most sexually intense car ride of my life we appeared at a cute secluded restaurant with the words "Majkos " boldly written across the top.

Ace had open the back door for me taking my hand softly in his and helps me out as I smile leaning into him a bit, we waited for Dante before we all walked into the restaurant quickly getting seated in the back in a nice booth.

Ace slide in first then me then Dante and soon after ordering we fell into a comfortable conversation, I learned about their favorite color hobbies and some good childhood memories they had which wasn't many. We talked about everything from work to my nursing classes to childhoods to favorite dishes honestly it felt like I've know them forever that's how smoothly the conversation flowed.

Food had soon arrived as we all dig in me being me kept eyeing their food until Dante chuckle cutting his steak and letting me try it with a taste of wine. The taste exploded in my mouth as a let out a satisfied moan licking my lips clean of wine, glancing up at the two men I saw them watching me again.

To break the sexual tension growing again I had cut into my chicken parm and fork fed some to ace who smiled happily taking it. It seemed Dante didn't care much for chicken parm so I made him try some of my fruit salad instead , me and ace both started laughing when I made a mistake and got pineapple juice right under Dante nose by trying to feed him again and he soon started laughing too. Everything was perfect I can't remember the last time I smiled this much or was this happy besides with Emily and Carter. 

But suddenly the mood went from laid back to serious and it made my head spin. Did I do something wrong ? Did I say something bad? I felt panic set in and a smooth hand on my thigh brought me back.

Ace looked down at me with so much seriousness yet tenderness it made my heart swell in my chest. "Angle we have something to tell you.. please keep an open mind and just know we would never let anyone hurt you ever..." oh shit this couldn't be good.

Dear god help us.

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