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Fear. Complete and utter fear. I hurt her my demons are so strong and I hurt her. My little dove my Mila. I've never laid my hands on a woman that didn't deserve it, and when they did it wasn't my hand just my gun.

I've killed woman before I never claimed to be a saint. But they weren't innocent the exact opposite really. In my life you kill or be killed. If that makes me damned then I'm okay with that.

Ace and I grew up in a cold home, father was mean and ruthless never loving and forgiving. Everything I know unfortunately comes from him including his short temper and the need to control. Maybe that's why I became a dominate, I don't think that I could ever submit to someone scared of what they might see.

Mila, my little broken dove she scares me. The things I would do to keep her safe are borderline insane , deadly, unforgiving. She's been in my life a short while and now she's even above my brother's safety.

My baby brother my only family. My life I dedicate to keeping him safe making sure he doesn't die before he's lived. He doesn't remember mom how could he was so young.

She was beautiful her voice so soft, I remember her smell , how she felt , how I felt in her arms. I miss her but I now miss the memory of what she was I was still to young to remember everything, but I remember her.

I never thought I could care for a woman like I cared for my mom it seemed impossible. One look at Mila , one touch, one moment of her accepting me for who I am and now I question everything I fight for. Is putting my life on the line worth it, one day me and ace never returning back to her leaving her broken.

I'm not stupid, you can't just walk away from the mafia even as the leader even if you scare people. Once you're in you're in, I was born with blood on my hands being the oldest the business Would always be mine.

Ace stuck it out for me, we live together or we die together that's all we ever knew. Leaving the mafia is never an option, but for her if she asked damn the consequences.

I have never been able to control my anger, I've tried the tons of therapy sessions and old pill bottles in my bathroom can tell you that. It boils through my blood raging to be let out craving blood and screams and bones cracking. To crush everything loved and beautiful and precious.

Being with me and ace is a death sentence for Mila and even her friends. They're loyal to her and if she stays they stay. I could get her killed get them all killed my list of enemies ongoing never stopping.

I can't pull away from her , she sucks me back in refusing to let me hide to let me shut down and never bare my soul to her. She's strong she has a power over me i didn't even know a woman could possess. I fear her.

I fear her life and how I would destroy it. Seeing her blood on my hands would be enough to drive me mad and never bring me back. Yet I am selfish, a coward. I know I should let her go... let her find real peace where she's safe and loved but the thought of her loving someone else them hearing her moans and getting her sweet smiles and bubbly personality holding her when she's sad and crying.

That starts up a whole new level of blowing rage. She's mine, always will be mine and I will damn her. My little dove you are in trouble. I am a man falling Inlove and you, you are the reason I want to live again.

Beware little dove being mine won't be easy... but I promise I will love you like no other and with me you will never be alone.

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