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I kept Mila in my lap as we made our way back to the city. Finding out she was a virgin wasn't the shocking part, what shocked me was that she wanted it hard and rough her first time.

Most girls want soft sweet and romantic and I've never been the type to give that, but for her I would give her anything if she asked me. Looking down at the small woman in my lap as i drive I feel my heart beating faster.

I never been one to believe in love at first sight or the one to even believe in a soulmate, all I've ever known was to love my brother. It's to soon to say I love Mila even way to soon to admit that one day I could, but why does my heart do funny things when she's close to me.

Seeing her breakdown in the bathroom was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. It made me want to kill whoever hurt her and take all her pain away. My little fighter she's so strong she doesn't even know how well she fits me fits my brother.

She's stronger then she probably gives herself credit for, in the woods she fought back she didn't go down like easy prey. I've always know there was something animalistic about me an urge to chase and hunt to shred to pieces. Coming into the world of kink is how I learned I'm a primal sadistic dominant.

Chasing a girl in a dark settings letting out my animal side feels so freeing in a way,because once I catch her my prize I get to let my body and mind take over. It can be rough , dirty , hardcore and down right filthy but it establishes a level of trust. Playing with Mila tonight felt better then any chase I've ever had.

She fought she screamed she kicked and she let her body take control of everything that happened next. Her begging me was the sweetest sounds I've ever heard I didn't know she had it in her. They always tell you to watch the quiet ones they are the most wild the most untamed and they hide it all behind their bright eyes and innocent smiles.

Pulling up to the mansion it's about close to 2am Dante must be wondering where we are. I get out the car holding Mila firmly in my arms bridal style as I make my way into the house. She moans quietly probably in pain I was a little to rough and it was her first time it's normal.

Dante spots us walking in as he walks out the kitchen shirtless, his eyes go to our girl as he walks over scooping her from my arms. She shifts a bit hiding her face in his neck and instantly relaxing again. Seeing my brother look at her which such care and softness makes me smirk.

The cold bastard is never nice to anyone but now he's all smirks and sunshine thanks to our girl and her friends. He really likes them I do to they help our girl in ways I can't imaging other people will and for that they have my respect.

"You didn't go to hard on her did you brother" my brother rasps out cradling Mila to his chest " I didn't do anything that she didn't want me to do D she's not glass she won't break."

He nods pushing her muddy hair from her face and she stirs in her sleep "Dante " Mila whispers yawning as she peeks up at him. "Hi baby girl I hope my brother was a perfect gentleman afterwards " he teases as she cracks a small smile " he was the best."

I cross my arms over my chest giving my brother an I told you so look as he rolls his eyes. "Everything hurts " she whines out holding him tighter as she blinks a few times adjusting to the few lights still on. "I'll make it better baby girl let's get you a bath" he heads up the stairs with me firmly behind him as we take her into her room.

Dante sits her on the sink and I work the shirt over her head as she leans against the mirror tiredly. I hear the water running and the scent of lavender hitting my nostrils as I pull out some cream a warm fluffy towel and some pain killers just in case. "In you go sweetheart " Dante picks her up setting her into the warm bath as she slumps against the tub with a soft smile.

Shredding my clothes I climb in the tub infront of her feet and Dante climbs in behind her pulling her back against his chest. " we're going to take care of you now baby so just relax and don't move a muscle " I say as I start working the soap into her feet washing them as I massage them.

Dante works his hands on her neck and back as we wash the mud off her together quietly while she lets out quiet little moans relaxing against him fully. I pass him the shampoo as I work my way up her legs and the back of her thighs massaging them carefully.

Dante washes all the mud out her hair and soon we're finished. I climb out first getting dried with a towel around my hips pulling her out I sit on the toilet and dry her off with another towel and start adding a few hair products to her hair.

She Hums as I brush it out carefully and pulls her hair into a messy bun " thank you ace " she kisses my cheek as I smile down at her. "Anything for you angel anything .." I lotion her down with the cream for her bruises and Dante slips a shirt over her head and some fresh panties up her legs.

Pouring two pain killers into my hand and grabbing a glass of water I hold them up to Mila. "They'll help trust me you'll think me in the morning " I smirk at her as she blushes and takes the pills and the water with no complaints. Feeling satisfied that she won't wake up in so much pain in the morning Dante takes her to his bed and gets her tucked in under the covers kissing her forehead.

She catches his wrist before he can move and tugs slightly "stay.. both of you please for a bit " she pouts cutely I expect the cold bastard to say no and that he has work to do but much to my surprise he climbs in behind her. Pulling her flushed against his chest they both look up at me as I shake off my shock crawling into the bed spooning her from the front.

"Thank you for tonight, the dinner the woods , the bath all of it was amazing I've never.. nobody hasn't cared that much before" she smiles closing her eyes. "Get use to it baby we plan to do it more often as much as we can" I close my eyes as well after turning off the light with my heart light and my head fuzzy.

What is this girl doing to me.

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