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Hot boiling pain is what awakes me. Clutching my stomach as I shoot up with a gasp frantically looking around but it's ace hand who gently pushes me back down. I look around the room and I see Hailey and Carter in the corner whispering. Devi is by the window and ace and Dante take a side beside me.

I push ace's hand away and sit myself up right hissing. God I feel awful what is wrong with me this month my period is never this bad.

Dante eyes find mine but they look.. sad, haunted like he wants to say things and doesn't know where to start. I go to open my mouth and Hailey beats me to it.

"There are things that Dante and ace need to say to you and I know you are mad and confused but we are all here for you and for once please just listen and know that we love you so much we all do." She says as my heart rate picks up.

"Hailey.. you're scaring me what's wrong? Am I sick did I break something- " I start to ramble and Dante cuts me of by grabbing my jaw.

"Little dove.. I would never lie to you I know me and ace kept something from you but I swear to you I love you so much and I will never ever keep anything from you again, you mean the world to me and just know after I say this we don't blame you and this isn't your fault so please.." his voice cracks a little.

"Please don't give up on yourself.. " he finishes and for once I shut my mouth and listen.

Slowly ace comes into bed with me pulling me onto his lap with tears in his eyes. All my anger fades away. Ace never cries I've never seen him shed on tear not one.

Putting my hand on his cheek I look at him " you guys are scaring me... why are you crying is something wrong I don't understand." I really don't.

Seeing everyone look so broken and beaten has my heart racing at an alarming rate. I feel the sense of dread knocking on the door as I hold my breath.

"You were pregnant baby.." ace whispers tears slipping from his eyes.

What?... no that can't be my period came every time... I had no signs no cravings no morning sickness.

"It was a tube pregnancy and you were 15 weeks along between the stress and the working out and everything in between it was to much for the baby.. our baby..." Dante continues as I feel hot tears against my cheeks.

"It was a girl when you came in you were already in the process of a miscarriage they had to help you pass it... but the baby is gone and that's what all the bleeding was." Devi finishes.

Nobody moves nobody breaths as hot tears continue to fall down my face. I feel so numb so broken. I would've had a baby.. a little girl. Someone to dress up and to brush her hair when she was sad like my mom did for me.

I would've had blood family... someone that shares the same dna I do someone who I love more then anything in this world. And once again this cruel world snatched it from me. My baby... my daughter.

An unrecognizable sob leaves my throat as I clutch ace's shirt. My body shakes and trembles and I feel myself fall into this deep darkness of sadness. I don't recognize myself screaming or crying but whatever I'm doing has the doctors rushing in.

It hurts... god it hurts so fucking bad I can't breath.. I'm hyperventilating I feel like I'm dying. I can see Dante in front of me yelling at me in alarm to calm down to breath but I can't. Ace is holding me tight talking in my ear trying to talk me back but I can't.

I can't stop crying... I feel like I'm drowning I can't breath..

Switched Pov to Ace

I hold onto Mila tight as she shakes and gasps for air in my arms. It's a panic attack and the doctors are screaming at me to back up so they can calm her but I can't. I have to bring her back me not anyone else.

My little mouse she looks as broken as I feel, her face is pale and wet she's shaking like she's freezing to death and the screams that leave her throat are tearing my heart to shreds. It's something so deep and raw tearing at her heart and I can't make it stop why can't I make it stop.

I feel strong hands pulling me away as I see the doctor with a needle. Devi and Dante hold me back as I struggle to get to her.

"Don't stick her with that she's not crazy she's hurting !!! I'll kill all you bastards leave her alone " the rage I feel as I watch two nurse hold my baby down trying to get the needle in her arm sends me into a blinding rage.

"Sir we have to calm her or she can hemorrhage and die " the nurse shouts. They quickly stick her arm and I watch her body go limp in the bed the last of her tears falling down her cheeks.

Dante and Devi push me out of the room as Hailey goes over to the bed to lay with her. As soon as I'm out that door I push them away. Fuck this fuck all of this the one person I wanna hold and talk to I can't. I need to get out of here.

"Brother talk to me.. I lost a baby too I love her too don't run from this from her stay" Dante pleads but I can't I need some air I can't breath in here everything hurts so fucking bad.

"I'll be back " is the only response I give before storming out of the hospital. Finding my car quickly I get in and slam on the gas pedal getting far away from the hell that has become my life.

The sad truth of it all is my brother and I are to blame for the lost of our baby girl. If we told Mila the truth she wouldn't be stress if she wasn't stressed she would've had a better chance at carrying the baby and eventually we would've found out somehow. Mothers instinct and all. So many what ifs so many maybes and different outcomes.

I couldn't protect my woman I couldn't protect my baby.. I can't heal her I don't know how to grieve this I just can't do it. I stop at a stop light breathing heavily sitting back.

All the rage I feel I slam my fists into the wheel over and over screaming it out letting it tear through my chest and rip me open. I did this.. it's my fault it's all my fault.

Making an illegal Uturn I head back to the hospital with one goal. I am going to grieve with my girl and my brother and one day maybe we can all be okay again. She needs me and I need her I can't run from my emotions even if they hurt.

I'm coming baby girl and I promise... I will never let you down again.

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