Equations part 2 (soft daddy dom shanks)

Start from the beginning

"I think you should be heading to your next class now. I kept you behind long enough, here's a note. I'll see you tomorrow y/n" I took the note and saw he put his phone number at the bottom for me to rip off and keep.

"I'll see you tomorrow sir" I winked at him before I walked out to my net class.


Ace, luffy and I were walking around the mall talking and having a good time. Luffy was more so running around from store to store looking at stuff.

"-and my boyfriend now is so much better than the last one. What about you y/n, any new man in your life" he nudged me with his elbow and winked at me.

"Ummm...... actually ace.... Ther is" he gasped and stopped walking.

"Holy fuck, you have a boyfriend? You finally have a boyfriend. I didn't think you were going to say yes. Tell me everything."

Ace was a gay guy that didn't really seem gay, unless he was really excited like now.

"Um.. ace.... I wanted to talk to you about that and... um... ask you a favor" I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a secluded place in the mall.

"LUFFY WE WILL BE OVER HERE FOR A BIT, MAKE SURE YOUR RIGGER IS ON SO WE CAN CALL AND FIND YOU THEN" ace yelle dat luffy. He waved with some food in his mouth showing that he heard us and ran off to another store.

Luffy loves the mall. Ace and I sat down at a bench and I still held his hand in mine, Ace and luffy have been my best friends since before I could remember. My parents were friends with his before they got bad and when they did get bad they basically became my real family. Giving me things I needed and doing things a family should, so I trust Ace with everything.

"My boyfriend, he's a lot older then me, older then you. He is really sweet to me and caring and I feel so loved when I'm with him. I really care about him. I never felt like this about anyone. So when I tell you who it is, you have to promise me that you wont freak out or tell anyone." He looked at me like he couldn't believe what he was hearing me say.

"Is your relationship that bad, I swear I'll-"

"Ace he treats me better than anyone I have ever known........... he's ...... promise me you wont tell anyone first" he stuck out his pinky, and I hooked mine with his smiling.

"Promise" I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.

His name is Shanks..... and his mine and luffys math teacher" his eyes went big and he looked like he was going to something but would stop himself before he even said it and tried again just to stop himself again.

"Before you think it we have been together for like 3 months, I think. All we have done is kiss here and there, and I may have kind of begged him to go down on me and for me to go down on him once" his face got red and I could tell he was about to yell something at me.

"Only once for each thing, and I really had to beg to go down on him, I really wanted to and if you saw him you would understand" he closed his mouth and tried to calm himself down by regulating his breathing.

"I really do care about him ace, and... the favor that I wanted to ask you..... could you pretend to be my boyfriend for these last 2 months until I turn 18 and graduate when it won't be wrong for me and shanks to show that we are together" he looked down for a little before he looked up at me as we were still holding hands.

"You really care about him?" I could hear how serious he was.

"Yes I do, so much more than I thought I could" he shook his head and closed his eyes in thought.

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