Embarrassment (bdsm sub ace)

Start from the beginning

"Have fun my dear, STOP OGLING YOUR SISTER" he yelled as he slammed his foot

down startling everyone out of their trance making some of them cough as they choked on what was in their mouth. Jokes on them, I'm just walking around and enjoying myself, let's see how much free shit I can get looken like this.


I was on my way back to the ship. It was dark out and well into the night. I had my heels hooked on my fingers walking bearfoot as I limped slightly. I fucking hate heals. I was a little damp from earlier and my makeup was smudged a bit. I'm sure I looked bad, but I had fun getting lots of free drinks and free food. Good thing I can hold my liquor being a pirate, or else shit might have happened. When I got up on deck ace was leaning against the railing with his arms crossed and his head down a little with his hat and hair casing a shadow over his face from the moon light.

"Did you have fun y/n, what did you do lookin like that" he asked in a cold voice.

"I don't think that's any of your business, but yes, I did have fun" I said was a cocky tone.

Who dose he think he is talking to me like that. I made my way to the hall to get to my

room. I could hear the hard clank of his boots as he followed after me in a fast pace. Next thing I new he grabbed my wrist and spun me around and slammed my back against the wall holding my wrist above my head

"I'm your comamder, you will not talk to me like that. Now how many men did you whore yoursel-" I dropped the heals that were in my other hand and slapped him across the face making his hat fall off.

"I don't give a shit if you're my comamder. I will not let anyone talk to me the way you are, let alone call me a whore to my face. I'm not your property, so quit acting like you own me and.. go... fuck.. yourself" I got closer to his face with the last few words I said. With how close we were I could feel his heat rise showing he was upset if I couldn't already tell from the look on his face. He gripped my wrist harder and was about to say something but I head butted him before he could. He staggered back and traded my wrist for his bloody nose. I picked my heals back up and made it to my room closing the door and locking it behind me. There was bangging on my door.

"Y/n, open this door, now" ace yelled at me. I just got undresses and layed down in my

bed. Soon enough he stopped and left finally allowing me to go to sleep.


I got dressed in my normal clothes the next day and made my way on deck. I got a few glances from everyone as I went over and sat on the railing facing papa

"How was your date my dear" he asked. Ace was standing next to him with his arms

crossed and a bandage over his nose making me chuckle slightly.

"Well..... he stood me up. saying something that he needs a real woman and not a pirate" I said waiving my hand.

"Lier you came back super late" ace stepped forward and yelled.

"Yes, cuz I didn't want my effort to go to waste, so I went to the bar and came back"

"Why was your body damp then, and your makeup all smudged" ok now I'm getting


"Cuz I walked by a lake and there was a kid drowning in it so I jumped in and pulled him out, gave him mouth to mouth to get the water out of his lungs" I jumped off the railing and walked towards him making him step closer to me.

"Then why were you limping when you came back"


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