Cate moved to this school from another comprehensive about 3 years ago. I'm always weary of new colleagues , especially those who come to the school taking on a high up leadership role like Cate did ; it sounds like a petty teenaged thing to say , but even mature adults can walk into a new job thinking they own the place because of their position , without any consideration for their coworkers around them , some of which have been at the place for a decade , sometimes even longer. Cate however , is the complete opposite of the arrogant prick I just described. Although positionally she's higher up than the rest of us in this department , she doesn't take advantage of or misuse her position. Her sense of humour is unparalleled , and even outside of the workplace , she is one of my closest friends.

Anyway , as the minutes went by , I heard a constant flow of students' footsteps heading past the office and down the corridor to Cate's room.

The clock eventually ticked to ten minutes past three , and although Cate was the one taking this revision session, we estimated we'd have a larger number of kids than that who could fit into a single classroom , meaning I'd most likely have to take a group into my classroom too.

Chugging down the last few sips of tea , I then stood up and made my way down the corridor to Hi2 , where Cate had just begun giving the students instructions.

Upon reaching the door , our estimates were proved correct as the classroom was packed full of kids , more kids than this classroom could sit. All the rows of desks were full , and a line of standing kids spanned across the entire back wall of the classroom.

Leaning against the door way , i crossed my arms and peaked my head into the room , knowing my assistance would inevitably be needed.

Kennedy's POV

I called the hospital. They told me not to come and visit mum today ; apparently she's not been resting well lately and was only now getting into the new hospital routine and properly settling in. I don't want to disturb her rest , so I decided to make a productive use of my time and stay behind for this revision session for history.

I was one of the last ones to arrive at Ms Wilson's room , all the seats were already taken and there was already an excess of other kids all stood around against the back wall of the room.

I snuck in just as Ms Wilson began giving everybody the debrief for the afternoon.

"Okay I've got to admit, myself and the other history teachers weren't anticipating this many of you to turn up this afternoon..but it's perfectly fine , if you're already sat down you can stay that way , all of you that are stood up go with Miss Foster to her room" Ms Wilson announced , looking over at Rosie who was nodding in agreement in the doorway.

I smiled to myself slightly , any time I can spend with Rosie is time I'd happily take.

Myself and around 15 other kids followed Rosie to her classroom ; the group of us included kids from all three different history classes , and I don't think I'd talked to any of them. Upon entering the room , I sat down in my usual desk in the middle of the second row and pulled out my notes on the topic we'd been studying since the start of the year.

Rosie briefly left the room before coming back with a cup of tea , Evie , and her laptop.

"Okay you lot.." , Rosie began , sitting on the edge of her desk with her legs crossed and hanging off of the side of it.

"The longest I'm gonna have you all stick around is an hour and a half. I'll spend 45 minutes teaching you the content as a recap , and then I'll give you an independent task to do for 45 minutes so I'm not just lecturing at you the entire time..That sound alright?" she asked and was met with an array of mumbling in response.

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