• chapter 9 •

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Syere POV

His gold eyes glowered at me. "What?"

"You heard what I said, what happened to your previous wife?" I furrow my brows.

"Is that what we're doing now? Okay." He folds his arms.

"How'd your brother die?"

"What..?" My voice breaks.

"You wanna pry right? Let's pry then, how did he die?"

I fall quiet unable to answer.

He raised a brow, "Can't answer can you?"

"My brother's death has nothing to do with this." I glared.

"Well you're prying in my past aren't you? I'm simply doing the same." He shrugs.

"You're deflecting. Tell me what happened."

He raises a brow. "You're demanding things now?"

"Yea. I am." I smile tightly.

He smirks at me leaning closer. "You know demanding things never gets you far, why don't you try asking nicely?"

He's really close.

My eyes flicker to his lips briefly.


"Here's an idea, lets continue this conversation later." I suggest.

"Why?" He responds looking lost.

"Because I rather do something else." I mumble pulling him into a kiss.

He kisses back momentarily before releasing a groan quickly pulling away. "No."

I smile leaning closer. "What are you being so righteous for? You're a king aren't you? Someone of your status must have quite a sexual reputation."

My hands fall on his chest hooking a finger around his chain pulling him closer. "There's really no need to restrain yourself. I'm your fiancée aren't I?"

"Or is it that you can't get it up? Wouldn't be surprised you're a billion years o—"

He cuts me off promptly. "Just shut up."

He pulls me back into a kiss, his arms roaming down my waist before picking me up as though I weighed only a feather.

Smoothly wrapping my arms around his head I pull him closer deepening the kiss.


He groans his hand nestling under my ass holding me up. I rock my hips against him moaning softly into the kiss.

Call me shameless I don't care.

His tongue enters my mouth and I groan as he begins to suck on my own. My hands find their way to his hair tugging it lightly.

He groans pressing me against the wall. I sigh lightly drifting my hand past his torso to his waist. I press my hips against him more.

He's hard.

I pull away momentarily panting harshly as I stared at him. He stares back seemingly annoyed at my advances but despite that his face was also partially flushed.

I smirk leaning near his ear. "You look like you can barely stand it. Let's have sex." My hands tugs at his waistband of his kilt.

"If you think a little kiss is gonna make me wanna fuck you, you're wrong." He chuckles.

"Yet you're hard." I retort.

He's silent for a moment before chuckling quietly to himself. "Alright."

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