chapter 4

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Syere POV

I aimlessly walk through the hallways looking for something, anything to distract me from the tightness within my chest.

Through my rushing I bump into someone stumbling back but they catch me before I fell.

I'm pulled into their chest closely. My eyes slowly falls on the person confused. The clothes they wore looked similar to Anubis.

My eyes take in the common fierce gold eyes that seemed to swallow me up completely. There's a smirk on his freckled face as he stared down at me.

"What's a soul doing in these quarters? Perhaps you're lost."

"I'm not. Not really." I admit keeping eye contact.

"Um sir this is—" His attendant that I hadn't notice before now tries to speak up but is cut off.

He brushes my hair away from my face. "Why so sad? Something the matter?"

"I'm just lonely." I admit coyly touching his chest.

He seems to catch on smiling. "Oh should I keep you company then?" He leans closer.


Before I can respond Anubis voice draws my attention.


Our heads turn to him to see him a few feet away with a dark expression similar to when I drenched him in water.

I stay quiet leaning into the strangers arms which seems to further piss him off seeing as he looked visibly calm yet those eyes of his screams at me clearly.

Get the fuck away from him.

Seemed to be what they were saying.

The stranger unexpectedly wraps his arm around my waist which makes Anubis eyes widen and I could almost make out the small vein at the side of his head that looked about ready to pop.

"Babi would you care to take your hands off my wife?" He states his gaze focused on his hands around my waist.

I held back my laughter at the name.

Babi? Pfftt.

"I wasn't aware she was yours...disappointing." His eyes fall on me smirking. "And hear I was hoping I found a new—."

"Shut the fuck up and take your hands off already." He snaps.

My eyes widen a little amused by his aggression.

Babi immediately lets me go and somehow I'm pulled quickly into Anubis's arms before I can react. His hands wrap around my waist firmly preventing me from moving.

"I'm not his." I argued.

I'm not an object.

Babi's brows raise in questionable surprise before chuckling to himself while his attendant's eyes simply widen. My chin is forcefully turned to Anubis.

"I may not be yours in your eyes but you're mine. Try to remember that." He glowered.

I chuckle. "Oh really? What makes you think that? Some temporary engagement that will be null once I die?"

"You're making a scene, stop it." He warns.

I raise a brow. "How am I making a scene? I'm simply being honest aren't I? I'm not yours." I flatten.

I hear Babi continue to laugh behind us but I kept my eyes on Anubis who's eyes seemed to darken by the second.

"You're my fiancé act like it." He scolded.

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