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Delilah sits up in her bed, breathing heavy and fast, and she's sweating.

"Not again" she whispered as she wiped her forehead

Images of her nightmare still flashed through her mind as she caught her breath

The jolt of the car

The scream

The cops voices

"Stop stop stop" she whispered as she held her head, wanting the terrible memories to just melt away

Seeing her mother pulled from the crashed car, through the windshield because the door was crushed

Sitting in that waiting room with a couple nurses

Her dad running through the front doors of the hospital

Her eyes started to water

"DADDY" she screamed and ran to him

He dropped to his knees and held her 

Claire and bubba were right there, hugging her as soon as Harry let her go

The tears fell slowly down her cheeks as she sat, alone, in her dark bedroom

"Is she okay?" Harry asked when a doctor approached them

"I'm sorry" the dr started.. "We lost her during the surgery"

Broken sobs escaped Delilah's lips into the cold room and she put her hands on her face

She hated the recurring nightmares she'd had since her mother passed away. She hated the images that flashed through her mind, the memories that just wouldn't fade away..

Her door slowly creaked open and she jumped a little.. then she seen her almost three year old brother stumble tiredly into the room with one hand rubbing his eye and the other clasping his teddy bear

"Sissy?" he asked

"Hey, bubby.." she whispered and wiped her tears

She was 6, almost 7 now.. and he was about to turn 3.

"Can I sleep in your bed?" he asked through a little yawn

She nodded and moved the covers back

He crawled into the bed next to her and she wrapped her arms around him

After a few silent minutes, he whispered "You miss your real mommy?"

She sniffled and nodded

"You still love our mommy?" he asked

"Of course I do.. I always will. She's great."

"I love her.. and daddy. And you, Dee--dee"

"I love you too, Mal.. lets sleep, okay?"


Light up my world~ Frat boy Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin