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shit. is about. to go. down.

I'm sorry

* * * 

Luke opened the door, wearing what he always wore. A loose tank top with the sides cut out, grey sweatpants, converses, and a backwards cap over his blonde hair. And he was holding a big bag of chips in his hand.

Claire completely froze.

"Hi, we're looking fo Callum" Harry stepped up next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist

Luke was just as shocked as Claire was.. he just kinda looked at her, then at Harry, then at her, then he stepped back and let them inside.

"Callum" Luke mumbled as he lead the two into the house

Callum looked up from the videogame and stared at Claire..

"holy shit" he whispered

His shocked expression quickly turned to guilt as he looked at Luke.. then back to her

"Luke, we'll.. we'll be back" Callum stuttered as he got up quickly 

He grabbed Claire's hand, brought her to the kitchen, and Harry came too of course

"Fuck, I am.. I don't.. he's just.." Callum couldn't find the words

"Stop.." she whispered

His mouth immediately shut  and he nodded quickly

"I hurt you. I left. I didn't call or text. Our friendship faded. But.. to go so low as to speak to him? No, to invite him into your life, your house, that's fucked up, Cal"

"I know.. I know, we just, It wasn't to get back at you, Claire, we're just... friends"

"You watched me fall apart because of him. You seen me in my worst years. Years, Callum. Then the abuse at school. At lunch. In the halls. In class. You listened to all the shit he said, watched everything he did to me.. You went in the girls bathroom with me so I could cry because I didn't want people to see me!"

"Claire, I-"

"I went into the hospital because I couldn't hold any food down because of him. I could've died because of what he did. You and El were there for me the entire time!"

"I know" Callum's voice broke and tears escaped his eyes

"And you're calling him your friend?"

"I'm sorry"

She shook her head and reached for Harry's hand but he pulled it away

"You were in the hospital. you.. all those things you said.. they're true?" he asked quietly

"Harry.." she whispered. She knew he was mad. His green eyes had turned more grey and firey and his hands were in fists

"You didn't tell me"

"I didn't need to, Harry. Forget it"

Within a second, Harry had turned and started heading to the living room where that idiotic, abusive, asshole was sitting on the coach

"Harry, wait-" she tried to go after him but stopped when she felt her stomach turn

Light up my world~ Frat boy Harry StylesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora