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Claire sat in the floor, leaned against the couch, as her little boy practiced crawling to her. She cheered for him and held her hands out when he got close enough, then lifted him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"You did so good, Mal. So good." she praised

The babbling toddler giggled and pressed a wet kiss to his mom's cheek.. well, more like her chin/jaw.. but.. it was adorable

"Babe, lunch is done" Harry called from the kitchen

"Hungry?" she asked the boy as she stood with him in her arms

He was 1 and 9 months now so he understood certain words. Key words like potty, hungry, mom, dad, sissy, tv, and good.

She set Malachi in his seat with the little tray attached to the front and Harry put a plate of thin apple slices, crackers, and cheese down.

The boy went for the cheese first and messily stuffed pieces in his mouth

"Hey, love" Harry greeted Claire with a kiss and she smiled

"Someones in a good mood" she joked

He held up two plates of spaghetti and she raised her eyebrows

"I almost thought I'd have to cook for myself" she giggled and he laughed

"You'd burn the house down, babe. Sit. I'll get you a drink"

She sat with her plate and Harry got himself and his wife soda before joining her and Mal at the table..

Immediately, Malachi wanted to eat their spaghetti because it was different from his food.. so Claire got a couple noodles and let him try it.

He frowned-probably because of the little amount of garlic in the sauce-and spit it right back out

"Not a fan of spaghetti then" Harry laughed and wiped the boy's mouth with a little napkin

"Apparently not" Claire smiled and took a bite for herself..

** * *

"Hey, when's Dee getting here?" Harry asked as he pulled the nappy up Malachi's legs

"Should've been here... 10 minutes ago" Claire frowned when she looked at the clock on the living room wall

"What? ...Do you think Kendall is just running late?" Harry asked

"Maybe. I'll shoot her a text really quick"

Light up my world~ Frat boy Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now