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When they were home and Delilah was distracted with showing the guys all of her toys and crayons and even the pretty pictures she'd colored, Claire took a moment to sit down on her and Harry's bed and call her old best friend Callum

He picked up on the last ring, just before it went to voicemail..

"Claire?" he asked slowly

"Hey, Cal.." she sighed softly

"Haven't heard from you in a long time" he stated. He didn't seem excited or mad.. just.. bored?

"I've been so busy with Harry and I's daughter and my job-"

"Save the excuses.. How are you?" he asked

"I'm.. good.. Just.. I heard about what happened to Eleanor"

"Eleanor? Oh.. Oh, yeah. Sorry to hear it" 

Claire frowned and bit her bottom lip

"Well, have you been to the hospital to see her? Do you know anything about her condition at the moment?" she asked hopefully

"Look... Eleanor and I aren't friends. We haven't been for a while. Almost.. what, 4 or 5 months now."

"What? You were friends when I came down!"

"That was 13 months ago, Claire..."

"Why.. I mean, just, what happened?"

"She slept with a boy I liked. And dated him. I mean, god, I gossiped about him to her every day. We called, we hung out, and honestly, I think I was falling for him.. and she knew that. But, behind my back, she started seeing him. And when I found out, she said well he likes me. its not my fault he doesnt like you back. Still fucked up for her to be with him.." he explained

"Why would she do that to you?"

"She changed"


"When you left us and chased after the frat boy you're dating"

"hey..  I didn't. I didn't leave you guys. I was hurt and left in the heat of a moment!"

"You could come back more often than once every two years, Claire. You're happy there, we get that, but things won't just stay the same here. We won't wait and stop everything until you come back for a month to visit. Actually.. Less than a month. 22 days." he was getting fed up

"Ya know what, Claire? I only seen you for  14 days. In two years. You don't care anymore. So.. Just be happy in London and leave us alone.."

"Callum.. I have a daughter and a great boyfriend and a home and a job and a life! I'm not sitting around my home town, working in a coffee shop, waiting for a miracle that will never come to me! I left, I got out! Can't you be happy for me?" 

"No, Claire, I can't. Because I loved your for 5 years. Five fucking years. I fell for you, completely fell, but always the best friend, never the boyfriend, right? Right. So.. have a good life with the boy who fucked every girl in school. Oh, and a couple teachers."

"He's better than you'll ever be anyways. Fuck you, Callum."

"No, fuck you, Claire! You left! You left me, your mother, your brother, Eleanor- and look where we are now. I hope you're happy"

"Oh, I am. Because I have a beautiful 3 year old daughter that actually calls me mom because I'm important to her, enough to be a mother figure for her! I have a man to love that won't sleep with my best friend behind my back! I have four best friends up here who care about my family! I have a good job. A great home. And I'm gonna be an amazing mom to my own child because I'm pregnant!" 

With that, she hung up the phone and threw it down on the sheets beside her..

"Baby.." Harry whispered as he walked into the room and sat next to her, "look at me, Claire.." 

She looked up as the tears streamed down her cheeks and stared into his gorgeous green eyes that she loved so much

"You're right, ya know?" he said softly, "You're an amazing mother figure to Delilah. You're a great girlfriend and I love you so much. The guys care about you and me and our little girl. They're gonna care about this one too"

He touched her stomach and she let out a soft sob. "We will care so much about this baby because it's ours. It's us. A tiny kid made of a mixture of you and me"

She nodded slowly and leaned her forhead against his

"I know you're worried about El.. and I know Callum just upset you more.. but you left for a good reason, okay? You didn't forget anyone.. and none of them forgot you. I promise you Callum regrets everything he said to you today. We should let Kendall take Delilah and go down to see Eleanor in the hospital soon"

"Are.. are you sure?" she whispered through her tears

"If we wait any longer, you won't be able to fly because of the pregnancy"

"I'm.. I know I haven't done a test.. But I feel it"

"what do you mean, love?"

"My body just carries its self differently now. I just feel different. And the morning sickness, waking up to pee really often. It just.. makes sense, Harry"

"Look.. Look up, love" he whispered. They looked into each other's eyes and a soft smile took over his cherry lips

"I'm so happy to have a baby with you"

Light up my world~ Frat boy Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now