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When Delilah fell asleep, Harry put her in her little bed/crib and went back to the couch where Claire was waiting with another cup of tea in her hands

"So, what do you think?" he asked


"London. Me. Kendall. Delilah. The apartment." he explained as he sat next to her

"You? I think you're the most amazing dad I've ever seen.. It's incredibly heartwarming, just the way you look at your daughter. I missed you" she starts

He nods slowly and whispers "Thank you. I missed you too" as he kissed the back of her hand

"Kendall.. She's nice. Super pretty. Like.. wow. Seems like a good mom. I can see why you liked her" 

"I didn't." Harry sighs


"We were good friends.. and we just did it for no reason.  I'm glas we did, because we got a little angel out of it, but I never loved her... Actually... I never loved anyone besides you"

"You.. You love me? Even now?"

"Of course. How could I not?"

"I love you too, Harry"

"London.." she sighed, "It's quite big. Just seeing from the drive here, ya know? I'll probably get lost easy.

He grinned and said, "I won't let that happen, silly"

"And.. me. I, well.. I'm glad to be here.. But I left everyone in half a second. Half a decision. Don't get me wrong, I think I'm glad I did. I just.. needed a break.. but I haven't answered anyone's texts.."

He sighed and nodded, completely understanding how it feels to go to a different continent without telling anyone (But one person, his mom. And for her, him)

"Delilah. God, she looks so much like you, Haz. She's gorgeous. And so sweet. She showed me every one of her toys. Well, all of her favorites.. but they were all her favorite. She's amazing, really."

"Thank you. I'm really proud of her. She's already learned so much and she's only 1 and a few months."

"She's very intelligant"

"Thanks, love"

"Lastly, the apartment.. It's great. Really home-y, ya know? I like it"

"Good.. Cause I don't want you to leave"

"You what?"

"I want this to be home"

"For me?" she asked slowly

"For us, yeah.. I get it you'll want to go see your family and friends.. but don't you think you could stay? Like... officially?"

She stared at him..

Then she kissed him

And the only reason they pulled away was because of their smiling lips.

"Yes. Thank you so much, Harry"

Light up my world~ Frat boy Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now