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When Claire and Harry went back to the living room, they found all the guys sitting together while they watched Delilah sit and look at her coloring book. She was yawning and rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Hey, Dee-Dee? You tired, love?" Claire asked softly

"Yes, Mommy. Bed?" she replied through a yawn

"Sure.. Want to say goodnight to everyone first?"

Delilah walked over to Niall and crawled up onto the couch, into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he smiled and hugged her back softly

"sleep good, little one" he mumbled

She nodded and crawled into Liam's lap. He sat up a little and she patted his stubble

"Hairy face" she mumbled

"Yes, it's my beard"

Harry snickered and said, "You call that a beard?"

Liam rolled his eyes jokingly and moved Delilah into Louis' lap

"Hi, Squirt" Louis smiled at the girl

"g'night, uncle Lou-ie"

He seemed to absolutely melt as she called him that. He smiled really big and gave her a hug

"Sweet dreams, Squirt" he sighed and let her down

She stumbled lazily to Claire and let her mother pick her up

Claire stepped over to Harry and he gently kissed Delilah's nose

"Sleep good, my love. If you wake up with a bad dream, remember what?" he asked

"Mommy daddy save me" she whispered

"We'll aways save you.. Know why?"

"luhv me" 

"We love you very much" he nodded

"Love daddy an momma too"

She fell asleep in Claire's arms. Claire carried her to her little bedroom and gently put her in the princess bed. She covered her and shut the light off. She turned on the little lamp that made stars spin around the room and kissed Dee's head before going back to the living room

"She's down" she muttered as she walked to the couch and sat between Harry and Niall in the open space

"So.. A bun in the oven, then?" Louis asked from the recliner

"Pretty sure.. like 99 percent sure" she nodded and curled into Harry's side

"We're really excited" he smiled and put one arm around her

She smiled and nodded

"We're gonna go down to LA soon. Like, within the month, to see Eleanor"

"Is she home?" Louis asked

"No.. no, she's, uh.. as far as I know, in a medicallt induced coma so her body can heal... but she's supposed to be allowed to wake up soon" Claire sighed

"Oh, wow.. sounds serious. But it also sounds like she'll be okay if she can wake up soon" Liam said

Claire just moved her feet onto Niall's lap and stretched out. She had her head in Harry's lap, her butt on the couch, and her legs over Niall.

"Why're you letting your hair fade?" she asked the fake blonde

"Wanna go natural. Getting tired of looking like someone from a boyband" he shrugged

"I've never actually seen your natural brown hair" Harry pointed out, "When you came to London from Ireland, you were blonde. And since then, even in LA, you've been blonde"

"Yep.. now it's time to go back" he smiled and nodded to himself

"Hey, I never actually asked.. Why did four guys from England move to LA at the same time?" Claire suddenly asked curiously

"Had a lot of enemies at our school" Harry shrugged

"Enemies? Did you guys get in fights?" she pushed further

Liam looked at Harry uneasily. Louis was chewing on his thumb nail. Niall coughed awkwardly.

"We had a.. a bad fight, yes. And.. a couple death threats towards us.. and we were scared. So we left."

"Not scared. We could've taken them" Louis laughed

"Yes, we could've. We had a lot of members, didn't we?" Liam said as he recalled many memories of their group

"Members" Claire repeated, confused

"The part of London we were in had a lot of.. groups. Some were dangerous, some just drank in alleys and stole snacks from shops. We were the second kind, not really dangerous until we needed to be" Niall explained 

"Threats were made to our family when somebody slept with a leader's girlfriend" Louis said.. and they all turned to look at Harry

"What? I didn't know"

"And, to make it worse, he got her pregnant" Liam sighed

"Wait.. Kendall? And. And the baby is Delilah?!" 

"Yeah.." Harry sighed, "Kendall didn't tell me she was dating Christoph. She just told me they were close. And.. well, you know we were sleeping together for no good reason.. then when she told me about the pregnancy, she also told Chris. And he wanted to fucking kill me."

"And when he couldn't get to Harry, he tried to get to us." Liam explained

"Zayn.. the friend we don't see much.. took the guy down in a big fight. Saved me." Harry mumbled.

"Why would you leave then?" Claire asked. She was completely shocked at the sudden turn in her boyfriend's story

"He told me to, the leader, I mean. It was safer for me to stay away, and stay away from Kendall and her baby.. But when she had Delilah, I came back to help for a while.. but had to leave again, for school in California. Then.. I met you"

"But.. you're back now. Is he not around anymore?" 

"No, he died in a deal-gone-wrong situation" 

"So.." Claire started, "We're safe?"

"Yes, baby. I promise. I wouldn't have you or Delilah here if we weren't safe"

"Or Kendall" Liam added


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