Insults & Advice

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Tobio stared at the two for a moment, from his spot on the bed, Tobio had a front-row seat to watch this unwanted couples drama. He watched as Iwaizumi-san looked at Oikawa-san in silence, Iwaizumi-san's face straining in visible frustration while Oikawa-san stared back, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.


"Seems to me" Tobio started, voice almost singing as he nodded towards the pair, "that you two need to talk among yourselves before you begin to lecture me?"

At his words, Oikawa-san visibly startled, head snapping up just as Iwaizumi-san exclaimed, "I-we weren't lecturing you!" Tobio just hummed in reply.

He didn't understand what these two wanted. Surely they knew they'd sounded like hypocrites? Maybe there was something in the air that Tobio didn't know off. Something that made them want to try scrap for what they had thrown away by themselves.

Did he plan on making it easy for them though? Of course not.

To them he was no more than disposable. His heart had grown cold since then, he stopped believing in that minuscule hope he'd had back then. He stopped caring, yet continuously, like a moth to a flame, they kept trying to edge closer.

Why? Tobio didn't know. He didn't understand. But even then, they'd barged into his own, they'd made claims laced with unspoken accusations. They didn't care about him. Not then,

Feigning seriousness, Tobio spoke, his voice void of any emotion. "I'm gonna ask again, what exactly DO you two want from me? Give me an answer or leave."

"We.." Hesitance.

They were clearly uncomfortable. Tobio, naturally, shouldn't push them to go past their comfort zones right? Of course if he were a good person he would. But at this point in time, they'd continuously stepped over his and now they couldn't even give him an answer.

"Are you trying to be funny Iwaizumi-san, Oikawa-san? Is this some sort of game to you?" He asked, frustration seeping through his bones.

"What? No! Of course not." Iwaizumi-san answered, voice gruff, almost pleading.

"Then what do you FUCKING WANT FROM ME?!" Tobio screamed, voice rising loudly.

He didn't get a reply, only a flinch from the two. Tobio wasn't surprised. Not really. He'd expected it, for all their words, he could see the underlined hesitance hidden behind their eyes.

"Do you want to try again?" Tobio asked, receiving a unison of confused noises in return.

He sighed, for all they like to act as smartasses, he finds them as pretty big idiots in all honesty. "As soulmates, I mean."

"....Kageyama-" Hesitance again.

"So then, what are you here for?" Tobio felt like he was beginning to sound like a broken tape recorder, asking the same thing over and over again.

Once again, he didn't get a proper answer, instead just receiving silence.

"You two need to talk it out first." Since when did he become a relationship counsellor?

"What?" Why did Oikawa-san look like such a kicked puppy?

"Look Oikawa-san, you two" he said, nodding towards Iwaizumi-san, "clearly aren't on the same page. You need to talk it out. The two of you. Get on the same page before you try reach out to me for whatever the fuck you want. Until then, I will ignore you because I do not owe you jackshit. Do you understand me?" If they didn't Tobio swears they were aliens (for all of Oikawa-san's obsession over them, it would explain it) or some shit.

In all honesty, Tobio was just trying to make them leave. He could care less of their relationship, he was gonna ignore them either way anyway. But from the way he's seen their relationship, Tobio thinks they have issues. A lot of them.

And so he continued without letting either of them speak. "Oikawa-san, you have an inferiority complex in all honesty. It doesn't mesh well with the fact your superiority complex makes you go around with a stick up your ass."


"I don't know where your hatred of me came from. But I assume it's from there. In all honesty Oikawa-san, you ruined my middle school years. You need to get a grip, see a therapist if it helps. But stop thinking anyone who may be younger than you is automatically out for you. I looked up to you. You looked down on me."

Tobio panted, his rant long overdue. He knew it and maybe Oikawa-san did too, the brunet's bangs creating a shadow over his eyes as a tense silence filled the room. Tobio disregarded it, instead turning his head towards Iwaizumi-san.

"As for you Iwaizumi-san, do you not have a brain for yourself?"

"Excuse me?" Ha. He almost looked offended, Tobio found it hilarious really.

"If you do, then why don't you ever use it for your own actions Iwaizumi-san?" Tobio watched as Iwaizumi-san's eyes narrowed, lips parting only for Tobio to cut him off.

"You follow Oikawa-san like you can't think for yourself. What are you, Iwaizumi-san, a dog?" From the side he could see Oikawa-san's eyes widen but Tobio ignored it, his eyes zeroing in on the way Iwaizumi-san's hands clenched into fists.

Maybe he was going too far. Maybe he was being disrespectful. Who knows. Tobio didn't really care at this point.

To Tobio, Iwaizumi-san always played as the righteous one. Acting as though he condemned Oikawa-san's actions but never stopped the other, only ever dragging him away once the damage was done even if it were in a playful way.

"You need to learn how to make your choices for yourself, based on nothing more than your own judgement. Stop glorifying Oikawa-san in everything he does. Your soulmate isn't always right Iwaizumi-san. With that being said, neither are you."

In his mothers words, the bystander or accomplice is always just as bad as the perpetrator.

"You two have your respective issues, as people and as a couple. Sort it out before you reach out to me because frankly its annoying. I'm not a begger busting my ass on the sidewalk for your spare change." A sudden urge to cough started to build up in his throat and Tobio's cheeks beginning to twitch but the show must go on.

Putting his hands together while mimicking his mothers 'polite business smile', "Now with that being said," Tobio let his left hand rest over the top of his right on his lap, "please leave. Looking at you two makes me want to barf."

Silence .

Ah. Tobio loved insulting people.

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