Kunimi Akira POV- New Beginnings, Old Misunderstandings

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In more ways than one, Akira knew he resembled a sloth.

His movements were always slow and minimized.

While his reason was simply that it was "too much work."

Overall, he fit the stereotype of being both simple and lazy, often opting to stay home and sleep during weekends rather than being adventurous like his peers.

His parents often chided him for it since in their words, he was a teenager after all, he should be exploring and having fun but Akira simply could not bring himself to care. But he was lazy and it took up too much energy to care so he simply never gave two pieces about their words.

Sleeping in was way better than going outside anyway, people were unhygienic and Akira swears, he loses at least 2 years of his lifetime every time he has to socialize.

Plus, people will always have opinions on you, no matter if you fit their ideals or not.

Whether you do what they want or you don't, judgement will take place.

Especially if you're different.

The isolation that takes place if you aren't like your classmates/peers or you don't fit in with them. Heck, you're prone to be bullied or alienated as well if you're either below or above the preset 'standard', especially if the standard was a person .

So he didn't care.

He stopped caring, he didn't want to experience it even if he'd already gone through it simply because of not caring and being lazy.

But it didn't matter. It wasn't important.

Not to him at least.


And yet despite Akira's words, one of his larger regrets was that Akira hadn't done anything to defend him that particular year.

Especially since, In the end, he'd realised too late and couldn't do anything to help.

Then he and Yuutarou, under immature anger and hurt, had gone and made it worse.

Now he only had regrets that he couldn't act on, let alone ask for forgiveness...

That's what Akira thought at least.


So yes, Akira knew he resembled a sloth, but whatever, sloth's were cool anyway therefore it was a proud and willing choice that Akira took pride in.

In his eyes, what's the point of doing the most and trying hard when you can simply do what fits the merit, it'll still get you by and you live the same way, do you not?

Plus, sloth's were slow because it was a survival method, which meant he was actually surviving in the wild, jokes on the larger and faster animals; they wish they could be like Akira.

Plus, isn't there a popular western quote about it?

That"Slow and steady wins the race"?

Though, he would never join a race, still it's the thought that counts no?

Overall, Akira knew what people thought of him, knew what his classmates thought when they side-glanced at him, whispering among themselves after he'd rolled his eyes at the obnoxious pink haired girl that had tried coming onto him and asking for his number.

He hadn't bothered to give her the time of the day at all, she'd been trying to get his number despite the fact he was obviously taken anyway plus he didn't owe her anything. Especially since she'd literally seen Kindaichi peck him on the cheek before disappearing a few minutes prior, so naturally he'd be annoyed.

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